Chapter 6

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I looked him in the eye and saw his eyes were basically smirking. I got closer to him, his breath I could feel it on my skin. I grabbed his wrist and tighten my grip, he winced. He tried to get away from me and I tightened my grip even harder this time.
"Think before you steal from a Toretto." I took my other arm and hit him in the gut, he bent over. I elbowed him in the back, grabbed his legs and flipped him over my shoulders.
"Now that's a Toretto move." I heard Roman say, I saw a gold watch, it looked like it cost about 24,000 dollars. I grabbed the arm it was on and twisted it, Takashi winced again, I took the watch from his wrist and put it in my pocket. He tried to move but I pushed him down with my foot, I bent down just so I could whisper something in his ear.
"We're over, hope you have fun." I stood up and walked out the door not looking behind me.

Cameron's POV
I stood there and let her kick his ass, I felt my heart beating faster and when she took him down I smiled. I wanted her back so bad, like I needed her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with that girl. She bent over and said something in his ear and shoved something in her pocket, I needed her. I felt everybody's eyes on me and my eyes were on her, Brian was shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Dom had his eyes on Ariana. She looked at us and blushed, she saw me looking and moved her finger so that I would follow her.
When we made it outside she sat on the hood of her car and motioned for me to sit next to her, when I did she started talking.
"I never really got over you." Were the first words out of her mouth, I turned and looked at the cars passing by.
"I never got over you either, that's one of the main reasons I quit the FBI." She looked at me, her eyes full of trust and love.
"Then why are you with Amber?" I felt a weird feeling when she said Amber's name, I didn't know why I just did.
"I just want you to know we were together when I first showed up, I broke up with her last night."
"Good, because I've wanted to do this for awhile." She said, she leaned in and kissed me. Her lips were so soft and moist that I felt myself melt into her kiss. She pulled back and bit her lip.
"I wanted to that for two fucking years." I said and kissed her again.
Dom's POV
I watched as her and Cameron walked out the door, I watched as he looked at her with this look that was so helpless. I watched as Takashi tried to get up off the floor but Sean pushed him down again, I watched so many things happen at once that I didn't see Letty fall. When I finally saw her she was having trouble breathing, I fell to the ground next to her taking her in my arms. Brian yelled for Twinkie to call the ambulance, Mia ran to get a damp towel and handed it to me. I put it on Letty's forehead whispering I loved her in her ear.Brian ran over and told me that the ambulance was on there way, I nodded. The wet towel I had on Letty's forehead was getting dry fast. I looked around, I didn't see Ariana or Cameron anywhere, probably still outside. I felt Letty's breathing slowing and I almost started to cry, then the doors opened and the EMT's walked in.

Ariana's POV
Cameron and I went to a restaurant a few towns over, he said he didn't want me to pay for anything. I told him I didn't want to anyhow.
"You know a year ago I would've never thought I would be eating lunch with a girl I put in prison." He said after we ordered. I nodded in agreement.
"Just a few months ago I thought about what would happen to us if I did get out, I thought about it until the day I escaped. Then when you showed up in Tokyo I knew I still loved you." I said a few minutes after he did.
"I know I thought about you every second of everyday, the other night I had a dream of you. You were hiding something behind your back, when you showed me it was a positive pregnancy test. Then you said something I don't remember." I needed to process this dream he had, a pregnancy test? I was only 18, I asked him.
"How old did I look in this dream?" He looked at me and tried to read my face.
"Around twenty years old." I felt my whole body shake, I was going to have my first kid at twenty, and with Cameron. I had always thought I was going to have many boyfriends before I had a husband and kids. I smiled and thought about how cute our kids would be, would they be like me or Cameron?
"I like the sound of having kids with you, I mean they'd be really fucking cute." I said and he laughed, I laughed.
"I like the sound of that, you do realize that if we do have kids together your dad will not be happy." I looked at him and realized he was right. My father didn't like the idea of me with anyone, I sighed and told him what I thought.
"I don't care what my dad thinks, I want it. He doesn't need to control my life anymore, I'm ready to come home Cameron, I miss my room. The body shop, the races, I miss everything." I saw his face, he looked almost happy to be in the same room as me.
"I'm ready for you to come home, I'm ready for you to see your house and room again. I'm ready to start a life with you." His voice slowing at the end of that sentence. I was ready to start a life with him too, I was ready to meet my niece and cousin, I was ready to see if the house had changed, I was just ready to go home.
"Please Ariana, I'll help Hobbs clear your record. I'll do anything to get you home." He said, I looked in his eyes and saw he wasn't lying, just like he hadn't been in the car on our way to race wars, I had thought of that day for two years.
"Help him, I want to come home to you. I don't wanna hide from anyone anymore." I said, he looked up from his coffee he had ordered and smiled. He knew I wasn't joking either, he leaned over the table and kissed me. I kissed him back, I knew I'd spend the rest of my life with this boy.

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