Chapter 14

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I woke up to Vince crying, I sat up and looked over at his crib. I got up and walked over to the crib, I picked him up and rocked him, I laid in my bed with him on my chest. I fell asleep listening to my son's breathe, I smiled as I fell asleep.
I woke up and saw Vince's face looking at me, he smiled when he saw me.
"You could've woke me up bud." I said, he laid his head on my chest again. I kissed the top of his head, I stood up and laid him in his crib. He saw me walk away and started crying, I kept on walking. I grabbed his swing and set it in front of the shower, I walked back over to the crib and grabbed Vince. I laid him in his swing, undressed and got into the shower. I watched him out of the corner of my eye.
I got out of the shower, grabbed his swing and put him on the stand that had my makeup. He smiled as he watched me get dressed, I finished getting dressed when someone knocked on my door. I grabbed Vince out of his swing and walked to the front door, when I opened it I saw Taylor and Gabrielle. She saw Vince and gasped.
"I'm an aunt?" She asked, I nodded my head. She walked in and let go of Gabrielle's hand, I handed her Vince and he giggled. I looked over at my niece, she looked so much like Jack. I held my hands out and she reached up for me, I kissed her forehead. She giggled, she was only a year old. Would my son be this happy at a year old, I hoped so. Taylor and I sat on the couch, she held Vince and I held Gabrielle. We talked about how much life has changed.
I watched at how good Taylor was with Vince, I smiled. Gabrielle wanted to go to the park she saw on the car ride here. I said I would stay here with Vince and her and Taylor could go, Taylor told me it wouldn't be fun if I didn't go. I gave in and we ended up going to the park.

Cameron's POV
I was playing cards with Jack, and Brian Toretto. I laid down my cards and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a Corona. I hesitated, I missed Ariana. She hadn't called in a few weeks, I decided I would call her. I told the guys were I was going, I grabbed my keys and phone. I walked outside, I took in the sight of Los Angeles.
I called Ariana, I checked the time first. It was 2:30 p.m. there. I heard her pick up on the third ring.
"Hey! I'm sorry I haven't called in forever, I've been very busy with the b- I mean the car." She was about to say something, I wondered.
"It's okay, I've been busy. Brian and Mia have me working at the body shop four times a week, and when I'm not there I'm working at the diner. I guess since I'm with you they think I'll just work whenever." I said, she chuckled. I heard kids in the background.
"Taylor! Look at Gabrielle! Sorry Taylor and Gabrielle came out to see me, I guess Gabrielle likes to run." I smiled, at least she was having fun.
"I got to go. I love you Ariana." I said it, she smiled I just knew she did.
"I love you too." I heard her end of the phone call end, I turned and walked towards my car. I decided to text Jack and tell him I was running into town to get more beer, I was driving down the street when I ran a stop sign. I tried to hit the brakes but I didn't hit them in time. I ran right into a pole, I started to black out.

Ariana's POV
I had just put Vince to bed when Taylor walked in. I put my finger to my mouth, she nodded her head and waved me out to the kitchen. I followed her, she sat a cup of coffee in front of me. I smiled at her, I knew I could count of my best friend.
"Gabrielle wanted to see her Auntie Ari, I begged Jack to let us come. He finally let in and said as long as we come home in one piece we could come, I packed our bags and booked our flights and here we are." I chuckled, I knew it would've taken her a lot of convincing to get them here.
"I guess I kinda missed you. I just needed to stay here until Vince was born, I wanna come home." I said, she nodded.
"Dom and Letty have redone the house. Letty told Dom to leave your room the way it is, she won't let anyone go in there." I frowned, my mom was controlling but not letting anyone in my room is over the top.
"I wanna go home. I just can't imagine showing up to my parents house with a baby." I said it and knew something was different between me and my family.
"I know you do. Come home when you're ready." Taylor said.

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