Chapter 4

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(the outfit at the top is what Ariana is wearing through out this chapter and the next chapter.)
Cameron was talking to Tej by the computers, I looked at Cameron. Was he upset with me because I'm with Takashi? I looked at mom and dad, they were talking about something. Probably me, I mean I did flee America and go to a whole new country. I looked for something I could do, but there wasn't. I slumped against the wall, I missed home. I really wanted to go back, I looked down at the heels I was wearing.
     I was surprised that my feet hadn't die yet, mom told me never wear heels when driving. I guess I never listen, I smiled and felt this feeling in my heart like I needed to go home. I needed someone to clean my record so I could go home, I saw Hobbs walk in. I stood up and walked out of the warehouse, I stood outside for a little bit just thinking. I then heard footsteps behind me.
   "Who the hell are you?" I heard Hobbs voice say, I turned around and saw this confused look on his face. I smirked, he saw that and came at me, my heels made me at least 4 inches taller so that helped. Hobbs grabbed my wrist, I flipped my hand so that his wrist was in my hand, I flexed. His eyes looked me up and down, I flipped him over my shoulder. He landed on top of a car, he groaned and rolled off the hood.
   "You don't remember me Hobbs?" I said and he came at me again, this time he punched me in the stomach, I bent over and groaned. My skirt had buttons up the middle and one of them cut me, I looked up at Hobbs and he smirked. I went at him, he came at me and missed getting tripped and hitting his head into dad's car window
   "What the hell is going one out here!?" I heard Mia's voice ring from the warehouse, she saw Hobbs on the ground and laughed.
   "Guys! Come here!" I heard her say to the team that was still inside. I then heard a herd of footsteps come from in the warehouse, and by the time they were all out there I was leaning against my car. Dad saw this and looked between my and Hobbs , his eyes looked hurt. I tried to stand but felt my knee jerk from it's place. I grabbed onto it and just sat there, mom noticed me before anyone else. She came over to me and touched my knee, I flinched.
   "Thanks for giving me a bad knee Hobbs!" I yelled over to him, he looked at me and still had the confused look in his eyes.
   "Someone please tell me why this bitch over there keeps talking to me?" he said it which caused Cameron to smile.
   "Ariana, I am proud of how you handled Hobbs. But my window!?" Dad said and I laughed. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

Dom's POV
    Ariana took Hobbs down, but my car had to pay for it. I stood by my car looking at it and just studying it, I knew Ariana felt bad about everything that happened but I couldn't help but be mad at her. I worked hard on this car, and my daughter broke it.
   "You know I'm really sorry dad." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Ariana.
   "I know, I'm just upset about you fleeing the country." I said it and I meant it, I wasn't happy about her fleeing the country.
   "You know I had too, or I'd sit there for life." Her voice filled with hurt about what I said. I looked her in the eyes and walked up to her, I hugged her. Her heels, which made her a few inches taller, raised her to my shoulder.
   "You know the girl I know would never wear heels, or a skirt." I said it with a slight smile in my voice.
   "She grew up. The girl you knew." She said back, I looked her in the eyes again, her dark brown eyes that matched mine. They were full of anger, and love. I really didn't understand why she had anger in her eyes.
   "You better get inside. Mom's going off on Hobbs." she said, which snapped me from my trance.
   "Why, why, why." I said walking towards the door. I opened it and there Letty was yelling at Hobbs, going off on him about how he attacked Ariana just an hour before all of this. I walked up behind Brian and chuckled.
   "Now I know where my daughter gets her temper." I said to Brian, he laughed.
   "Yeah, we always thought she got it from you." He said back. I never realized this but Ariana did always have anger issues. One time in first grade she punched a girl in the face because the girl took her apple juice. Letty blamed me for her anger issues, but now I think we all know where my daughter gets it from.
   "Hobbs, you put my daughter's fucking life in danger!" Letty yelled at him, I looked at her. She looked so much like Ariana, just to know that in 1999 she gave birth to a little girl. One who'd grow up to look just like her, I just stared at her. Her long wavy brown hair, her brown eyes just a few shades lighter than mine, they just looked exactly like our daughter.
   "Letty, just let it go. There's no real point in yelling at him." I said making her snap her head towards me, her eyes raged with anger. I felt my heart skip a few beats, I looked her in the eyes. A thought surfaced.
"Dom." Letty said, the gas tank still flying down the road, it was in flames. I just hit the gas more. I looked at her from the corner of my eye, her eyes raged with anger.
   "Dom!" she said louder this time. I thought to myself, Dom this could kill you and your wife. Decide now, live or die.
   "Dom!" She said even louder, I hit the gas and changed gears the car flew forwards. I turned the car sideways just in time, the tank flew over the top of the car.
End of flashback.

"Letty come with me." I said and she followed. We walked into our bedroom, I sat her on the bed. She just looked at me.
   "There was no need to yelled at him, she's perfectly fine." I said, Letty look at me and frowned.
   "I don't care Dom. If anything he could've really hurt her." Her eyes now had hurt and sadness in them, I wrapped her in my arms.
   "I love you Letty." I said and I felt her smile into my chest.
   "I love you too Dom."
Mia's POV
     I finished wrapping Ariana's knee from when her and Hobbs fought, she told me she missed seeing the family. I understand, I missed seeing her. I thought about taking the baby and seeing her, but Brian told me not too. I still sent pictures of him to her, she would always reply telling me how she wished she could see him. I always thought about taking Shawn up to see her but it never worked out.
   "Mia, I have a question?" I heard Ariana ask, I looked up at her. The little girl I once knew was all grown up. She now wore makeup, high heels, and more girly things then what she did two years ago.
   "Yes?" I asked, she looked me in the eyes and I could tell she was questioning if she should ask me the question or not.
   "I want to know why you still loved Brian after he told you he was a cop." Her voice indicated she was talking about Cameron, I shrugged.
   "I never knew, I guess he had that charm. The O'Connor charm." I smiled and remembered how when Brian and I first met he would always go to the shop and ask for a tuna sandwich, white bread and no crust.
   "Then why is it, whenever I'm around Takashi I don't feel like I love him. And whenever I see Cameron my heart skips a few beats?" I knew she was talking about Cameron, I looked her up and down. Us Toretto women choose some weird men.
   "I get that feeling whenever I'm around Brian, and your mom gets that feeling around Dom, so I guess it means you love him." Her eyes widened when I said that, she shook her head like she didn't want to believe it. I smiled and helped her stand up, I opened the bathroom door and we saw it together Cameron and some girl walking in together, hand in hand.

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