Chapter 3

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I watched as everyone got into their cars, Cameron being the last one to his. He must've stayed behind a little longer, I watched as they all pulled away and down the highway at top speeds. I felt Takashi's arms around my waist and I smiled, he was always doing little things to make me smile. I turned towards him and kissed his lips, he kissed back. I pulled away and looked him in the eye, he meant a lot to me and to have dad kind've hate him for dating me hurts my feelings.
"You want to head home?" He asked and I nodded, I moved in with him just recently. But I hadn't moved my car to his garage. I just couldn't do that, Han had left it for anyone of Dom's kids to have it. And since I'm the only kid Dom has, I got it. Takashi told me about all the things that happened between him and Han, the money Han had stole to pay my dad back. I couldn't really tell him that I got my car from Han.
"I just need to tell Sean to take my car." I told him and he let go of my waist, he extended his arm and I walked in front of him. Everyone that was around us parted and made a walked way for me and D.K. Sean and Twinkie were standing next to their cars, a 2003 Volkswagen Touran, and a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX. Twinkie's car made me laugh every time I saw it.
"Hey Sean! Take my car with you!"He nodded and I tossed my keys at him. I turned around and didn't see Takashi anywhere. I went down to the parking garage and saw my dad leaning against a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T, he looked up at me and then at someone on the opposite side of the parking garage. I turned and saw Brian against his Nissan Skyline GT-R R34, these two were here to talk to me.
"What the hell do you two want?" I asked and Brian smiled, I looked away. His smile reminds me too much of Cameron, I looked back at my dad.
"We need your help." He said it and I almost laughed, I thought they would all be mad at me for escaping prison and coming out to Tokyo.
"With what?" I asked and they looked at each other, I knew that look. They were planning something.
"Takashi. I know you two are dating, but he's been on the top of the arrest list here in Japan for a few months." I heard Brian say, I looked at him and felt my heart stop. I couldn't even look at my own uncle without getting this feeling I was going to be betrayed.
"Why do you guys want him?" I asked, I didn't really want to know.Brian looked at the ground and let my dad answer the question I had asked.
   "Han, who you never met, was stealing money from him. He wanted revenge, so he got on Sean's good graces and got with you. He knows you are related, not by blood, to Han. So by hurting you he's basically hurting Han." His answer made me realize something. Takashi did act really weird when I mentioned Han in a conversation of ours.
   "I'll work with you. Now let me go get my keys from Sean." I turned around and walked back up to the race.

Dom's POV
     She walked away, her keys. Why would she have to go get her keys from Sean? Wouldn't she have them with her. I looked over at Brian and he nodded, we both stood up off our cars and got in them. Ariana came back down with her keys swinging on her finger, I watched her get into a Mazda RX-7 Veilside, I never knew she'd be into that kind've car.
     She started it, Brian pulled out first, then me. Ariana followed, her car being a lot nicer than mine she seemed much older than I remember her being. I picked up the walkie-talkie Letty gave me so we could talk to her when I was away.
   "Letty." I said and almost as soon as I said it she answered.
   "Dom?" She asked, I could tell she was worried about me. I smiled and answered quickly.
   "She's coming home." Was all I said and I heard a sigh of relief on the other end.
   "That's all that matters, you and her come back safe. Please." I heard the eagerness in her voice.
   "We will. I love you Letty." I said it and meant it.
   "I love you too Dominic." She used my full name, very rare of her. I smiled and put the walkie talkie down. I looked in the rear view mirror and looked at Ariana's car, she seemed to be looking around at Tokyo. I smiled, my little girl wasn't so little anymore.
   "Dom, we have a problem!" I heard Mia's voice over the walkie-talkie. I picked it back up.
   "What is it Mia?" I asked the question and felt my heart drop with her response.
   "D.K. is following Ariana." I looked in the rear view mirror again and saw a car behind Ariana's, I turned into the other lane. Just before he could stay behind Ariana I swerved in front of him, I told Mia I would keep him occupied until Brian and Ariana made it to the warehouse.
     I slowed down and waited until Ariana and Brian were a good distance away, I hit the gas and whipped my car around so that the front of it was facing the wrong way. Takashi's face looked angry that I had blocked him from getting Ariana, he hit his gas and the front end of his car hit the front of mine. I felt my car jerk backwards, I put the car in reverse and hit the gas again. The walkie-talkie was buzzing with Letty's voice and Mia's voice, they were both telling me to get out of there.
     I hit the gas once more and whipped my car around so I was facing the right way now, I saw at least three cop cars behind Takashi. I smirked, my plan worked. I hit the gas once more this time using my Nos too, I got past the cops without any damage done. I found my way back to the warehouse, when I opened the door to get in Letty ran up to me. Mia did the same. I hugged both of them, Brian saw me and bro hugged me. Ariana ran up to me and hugged me, I hugged her back.
     Cameron nodded to me, I nodded back. I might've been mad at him for a little bit but I think I've changed how I see the boy. I looked down at my daughter who was standing next to me, she looked like Letty did at eighteen. Her long, wavy dark brown hair fell in her face. She raised her hand to move it out of her face, she looked so much like her mother it wasn't funny. I walked over to Letty and kissed her forehead.
   "We're a family again." she said, I smiled and looked around at everyone. We were a family again.
   "We are, and I don't want that to change." I said back, she grabbed my hand and kissed me.

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