Chapter 10

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Takashi was sitting in a chair, Hobbs tied him down with enough rope to hold down a whole army down. I was standing in front of him, he was screaming for help. Last time I stood in front of him was when I kicked his ass, I grabbed his head and whispered in his ear. I told him to shut the fuck up, he went quiet. I smirked and removed the gag in his mouth, I flipped a bucket upside down and put a screwdriver on it. I sat a torch down next to the bucket, he looked terrified, I smiled at him and he screamed.
I heated the screwdriver up, his screaming wouldn't warn anybody. Everyone knew I was the only choice to do this, I looked at the screwdriver that was now red. I put the torch down and put the screwdriver to his leg. I looked down at my legs, the scars that I had from when Shaw did this same thing to me. I heard him scream even more, I stuck the gag back in his mouth to muffle them. I thought about Cameron and how he told Shaw not to hurt me but hurt him, the screwdriver went deeper in his leg.
I pulled the screwdriver away from his leg and took the gag out, I knew now would be a good time to ask him a question.
"Why are you wanted in Tokyo?" I asked, he looked around the room. I grabbed the torch again and started heating the screwdriver up, he looked at me and answered my question.
"I helped Deckard Shaw kill Han, then after a few years I decided to help Mr. Nobody find that Ramsey's sister." I looked at him and heard two names I knew, Ramsey and Deckard. Mr. Nobody was someone my dad had helped before.
"Mr. Nobody, who'd he kill?" I asked and was scared for the answer.
"He's the reason the Japanese hate me. He told them I was a threat to their government." He said it with sadness in his voice, I started to feel bad for him. I looked at the screwdriver in my hand then at the torch, I needed more answers. I started to torch and held the screwdriver over it, I used my other hand to put the gag back in his mouth. I knew he'd hate this but I needed answers.
"I'm sorry..." I said, I took the screwdriver to his other leg. His muffled screams made me start to cry, I know I didn't love him anymore but I still cared about him.
"I need more answers but I won't be the one to get them..." I said, I laid the screwdriver on the top of the bucket and started towards the door. I couldn't hurt someone I loved.

Cameron's POV
I was outside with Sean, we were working on his 1967 Ford Mustang, he said he used this car to win the race between him and Takashi to see who would be drift king. I remember always asking Ariana what her family was like when they weren't racing, she never told me about what Sean did, only that he lived in Tokyo. I only now realized that she didn't want to tell me because he was basically royalty here in Tokyo, and I would've been fangirling over him.
I heard Takashi scream from inside, I guess Ariana was getting the best of him. I looked over at the door and she came walking out, she looked directly at me and walked over to me. She had been crying, when my arms wrapped around her she started bawling. I looked at my hands on her back, they were covered in grease. I rubbed her back and since her shirt was black it didn't show up, she cried harder. Sean walked past us and into the warehouse, thank the lord he did.
I walked her over to my car and sat her on the hood, she pulled away from me and looked up at me. I kissed her, she kissed back. I felt her hands trail up my back, I let mine stay on her sides. She pulled me so that I was basically on top of her, I broke this kiss and told her I'd stay with her tonight. She smiled and she kissed me, she pulled away this time. She still had tears running down her face, I wiped them away and kissed the top of her head. I stood up and went back to work on Sean's car, she stood off to the side watching me.

Dom's POV
Hobbs came out of the room that we put Takashi in, his hands were covered in blood. I looked at him in disbelief, he had just killed the one man that we needed. When Hobbs was out of view I decided to go in the room Takashi was in. I looked at him, he had bruises on face. Probably from Hobbs hitting him, I walked towards him, his breathing was slow and uneven. I was worried that Hobbs killed him, I got closer to him and his breathing stopped completely. Hobbs killed him.
I touched his shoulder and his head fell to the side, Hobbs really killed this kid. I saw something by the ground, it was a picture of Elena and a baby. My baby. I had never told Letty I had a kid with another women, Ariana doesn't know she has an older brother. I never wanted to tell them, Brian, my son with Elena, was six years older than Ariana.
"I had to tell him who the kids father was." I jumped at Takashi's voice, I looked at him.
"Ariana and Letty don't find out. They can never know." I said, he looked me in the eye.
"They'll eventually find out, Dominic." He made it sound like they already knew.
"They'll never know." I said and walked out of the room with the picture in my pocket.

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