Chapter 13

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(five months later.)
I woke up, I let my hand lay on my stomach for a bit longer. I felt the tiny kick, I smiled. I already knew the sex of the child but I wanted to keep on believing that I wasn't going to have it, and that this was all a dream. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, ever since my bump started showing I stopped racing. I knew I would miss it but the baby was my first priority.
I knew that when the baby got here I'd need a babysitter, so I told Sean and Neela. Neela said she'd help out as much as she can, I told her I needed that. Since Mia, Taylor and my mom weren't here to help me. I turned the shower on and undressed, I looked down at my stomach. I smiled as I put my hands on my stomach, I knew I needed to tell Cameron but I couldn't gather enough courage to call him and tell him. Hobbs called me when he made it to his office and said he knew I was pregnant.
I told him not to tell anyone, he promised he wouldn't. I was just standing underneath the water, I grabbed my shampoo and put some in my hand. I put it in my hair, I knew that I should be happy that I was having a baby. But the dad wasn't here so that was even harder.

Cameron's POV
It has been over three months since Ariana made contact with me, I left her messages and texts. She never replied, I started to worry. I called her and she answered, I heard her voice and almost cried.
"I miss you." Was all she said, I felt my heart break.
"I miss you too." I said, I wanted to hold her close. I needed to see her.
"I need to see you." I said it, I heard her voice catch.
"I want to see you too." this time my voice caught, she sounded so vulnerable.

Ariana's POV
(four months passed.)
I was sitting in the hospital, I was having contractions. Neela was sitting to my right, Twinkie went to the cafeteria. Sean was on my right watching t.v. , I was trying to sleep but the baby wouldn't let me. The doctor walked in and told Sean he needed to leave, it was time I started pushing. I grabbed Neela's hand, she smiled at me.

I was laying in my bed holding my baby boy. He looked so much like his dad, I smiled when they handed him to me. I told them I wanted time to pick out a name, they said they'd be back in an hour or so. I was thinking names over in my head when one came to my mind. Vince Leon O'Conner.
I never knew my uncle Vince, he died years before I was born, and Leon died because of me. I knew I should show them that they still matter to someone. I wanted to hold this tiny bundle of joy forever, I remember when Cameron told me that Taylor had a girl. I wondered if this is what Taylor felt like when she had Gabrielle, I smiled and touched my baby's cheek. He smiled up at me, his smiled looked so much like his dad's. I missed him so very much.

Cameron's POV
I laid awake, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about Ariana, I decided to call Sean. He answered on the third ring.
"Hey. I was wondering how's Ariana doing?" I asked, I could hear Neela's voice in the background.
"She's fine, she got hurt in a race so we're at the hospital. Checking to make sure she's okay." He said, she had got hurt. I knew I should've stayed with her. I went to say something but he hung up on me.

Ariana's POV
Sean, Neela and Twinkie came in. I saw Neela smile, Sean looked down at her and smile. Twinkie was the first one to be beside me, he smiled when he saw the baby. I handed him the baby and he started walking around talking to him.
"What's the kid's name?" I heard Sean ask, I looked at him still smiling at my uncle and son.
"Vince. Vince Leon O'Conner." I looked over at Twinkie and Vince, Twinkie was at the window telling Vince about the races that happen here.

(three days later.)
I carried the carseat into my apartment, I smiled when I saw my couch. I walked over to it and laid the carseat on the couch, I looked at Vince. He was smiling, I smiled. I knew that Cameron wasn't here but his son made me feel like he was. I unbuckled him and got him out, I held him and walked around the apartment. He smiled as I told him the view reminded me of the first time I stayed at his daddy's place.
I laid him on my bed and he started whining, I felt my heart break a little. I grabbed one of his towels and outfits. I walked back over to him, he stopped whining and smiled. I smiled back at him, I picked him up and walked to the bathroom. I undressed him and laid him in his baby seat in the bathtub. He started whining again, I started making weird noises to cheer him up.
I started the water and he looked scared, I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb over his tiny hand. He looked over at me and smiled, I leaned down and kissed his forehead. I stopped the water. The plug was always in, I liked to take bathes when I was around 8 months. I grabbed a wash rag and started putting soap on it, the doctor recommended this kind of soap so that it doesn't hurt my baby. He giggled as I was washing him, which made me laugh. I guess he like my laugh because he looked up at me in awe. I guess I could get use to this whole mom thing.

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