Shadow Kanji Tatsumi and a Wish Granted

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I watched Berry sniff the pink knitted bunny, the other standing behind me. After we had conversed with the slender girl, we headed straight to Berry like we had planned and explained the information we had found. Watching Berry sniff the bunny, my mind began to wonder to the words that the girl had told us earlier. Tatsumi might have a complex and cares what people think about him... There are certainly a lot of things we don't know about Tatsumi.

"Man, that bear acts like some sort of creepy talking dog" Hanamura grumbled. At that moment, Berry exclaimed in surprise causing Hanamura to flinch.

"Hmm... Okay! I think I've bear-ifically got his scent!" Berry announced, spinning around and handing me the pink bunny. I held it close to my chest as Berry sniffed the air once more, sniffing over to the right.

"Okay! Follow the bear!" Berry instructed as she began to head off. The others quickly followed her, leaving me behind. Once the coast was clear, I stuffed the pink rabbit into my bra for safe keeping since I didn't have any pockets and quickly followed after the group.


After following Berry towards the direction she lead us to, we ended up reaching a rather traditional looking bathhouse with trees surrounding it.

"Tatsumi-san is in here...?" I asked softly, looking around the area. It didn't look half bad if it weren't for the red and black striped vortex of a sky.

"Is it just me, or does the fog here seem kinda different?" Nise asked.

"My glasses are fogging up..." Yukiko said as she removed her glasses. Being in front of a bathhouse, excess steam escaped the entrance, which was decorated with banners that read: MEN ONLY. I couldn't help but stiffen a little at the sign, wondering if this will go well for Nise and Hanamura.

"Man, it's hot... I'm soaked" Hanamura complained as he tugged on the collar of his shirt. "This place feels just like a-" Suddenly, music similar to what was on the Midnight Channel started playing. Everyone besides from me looked around in confusion.

"C'mere, pussycat..." a distinctively male voice spoke in a teasing tone.

"Oh...Such well defined pecs... And an amazing pair of abs~!" another voice that was also male said, in response to the first voice, sounding extremely impressed and somewhat... coquettish.

"There's no need to be scared..." the first voice reassured. I blinked nervously at the sound of the voices, realizing that they were talking to us. Or, in this case, Nise and Hanamura.

"Uhhhh..." Yukiko stammered, at a loss for words.

"Now, just relax..." the first voice continued. Nise and Hanamura suddenly exclaimed, catching my attention. I turned around and saw that the two had sickly pale faces, sweat dripping rapidly from their faces.

"W-Wait, hold on a second! L-Let's think about this!" Hanamura stuttered, taking a step back.

"I-I don't wanna go!" Nise wailed, taking three steps back. "It's too risky!" I looked at them with concern as Yukiko walked forward to Berry and I.

"Hey Berry, are you absolutely certain that Kanji-kun is in there?" Yukiko asked. Berry twirled around and pounded her chest with a proud look.

"The nose knows!" Berry proclaimed. Yukiko sighed as she looked at me nervously.

"I guess we have no choice but to go in there then..." Yukiko said weakly with a nervous smile. I nodded in agreement look over to Nise and Hanamura. These two will most certainly have some difficulty in here.

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