A Pleasant Occurrence

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Fragments of the Heart

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© DaniyahA


F R A G M E N T - 42

A Pleasant Occurrence

It was feelings at first sight,
your eyes sparkling in the light.
I could not forget you.

I grew fond from afar,
until I wished upon a star.
You noticed me.

We kept passing each other,
eyeing one another.
Then the impossible happened.

It was fate when we were in a car,
sitting next to each other was bazar.
I was finishing up some homework.

You waited for me and closed the door,
while I was in denial from the beginning and before.
You started a conversation.

Laughing looked good on your face,
your voice beautiful with grace.
You were my euphoria.

You even walked me to class,
your red backpack a bent mass.
You asked for my name.

I smiled and replied,
your eyes engraved in my mind.
I could never forget you.

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