[Chapter 5]

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Sumi (POV)

Jungkook: I really meant what I said a few minutes ago, Sumi. And I hope that you feel the same way too. 

I just looked at him, not knowing where to find my words. 

Sumi: I can't promise anything, Jungkook. 

Jungkook: You don't need to promise anything. Just be by my side. Be with me. Be your true self around me, then I'm happy. That's all I need from you. 

Why does my life has to be this way? Why is my life a curse? What did I do to deserve this misery? 

I stared at him while many thoughts were flowing through in my head. 

Sumi: You're stupid you know that. Stupid enough to fall in love with me. Stupid enough to run away with me. Stupid enough to confess to me. Stupid enough to let me know that ... I can't let you get hurt because of me. 

I averted my eyes from his and looked out the window on my side of the car. 

It's been three hours and I didn't dare to look at Jungkook, but somehow I had the courage to turn my head towards him. He was sleeping, leaning on the window. I came closer to him and lay him down on my lap. I put his head on my lap, while his whole body lays on the seat. 

Sumi: Pa-O? How far until we get there? 

Pa-O: Just one more hour and we'll get there. 

I nodded at him and focused on Jungkook again. I gently caressed his hair. His hand slowly came up to mine and gently held it while sleeping. 

Pa-O: You love him, don't you? 

Sumi: Yea. I do. But I can't risk it. I can't risk his life while my life is in danger. 

Pa-O: Why don't you just protect him? Protecting him will show of how much he means to you. Of how much he knows that you love him. 

Sumi: I tried protecting my love ones and I failed. That failure was part of my guilt until now. I don't want to fail another one. I don't want to fail him. 

Jungkook (POV) 

I opened my eyes, not knowing when I fell asleep. I sat up straight from the seat and looked out the window. My eyes widen at the sight before my eyes. We were at the beach. I opened the door and walked towards the beach waves of where Sumi was sitting.I sat down next to her, not knowing what to say to her. 

Sumi: You're awake. You've been sleeping for hours. I didn't want to wake you since you were sleeping so peacefully. 

Jungkook: What are we doing here? I thought we're going to Changgyeonggung? 

Sumi: We decided to stop by the beach. I haven't seen the beach in awhile. 

After hours of just sitting and walking along the beach waves, we decided to continue driving to Changgyeonggung and we finally got there. All of us got out of the car and walked inside. 

Sumi (POV)

As we walked inside, tears started streaming down my cheeks. 

Sumi: This place looks like my hometown. 

I walked around the place and it reminds me so much of my hometown. I didn't know what's wrong with me but I couldn't stop crying. I wiped my tears and walked to my room. I put my bag down and heard someone coming in. I turned around and it was Jungkook. 

Sumi: What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in your own room? 

Jungkook: Why were you crying? 

Sumi: Myself crying has nothing to do with you. You should just focus on yourself. 

Jungkook: Yourself crying does involve me. I hate it when I see you cry. 

Sumi: Well it's not my fault that you hate it. It's not my fault that you keep staring at me. 

Jungkook: It's because you're pretty. Somehow I can't keep my eyes off of you. Whenever I look at you, I feel peace, happiness inside of me. You make me happy without even trying. 

I looked at him. 

Jungkook: This is what I call love, Sumi. When you just see that person and if that person gives you some kind of feeling that you never felt before. It's called love. That's why I'm confident about my feelings that I have towards you. 

He walked closer to me as I backed away from him, leaving space between us. I kept on backing away until my legs stopped by the edge of the bed, as he keeps on coming closer to me. He stopped walking until there was no space between us. He brought his hand up and cupped my left cheeks. 

Jungkook: I can't lose you Sumi. If I do lose you one day, I'll find you. I'll come to you. 

Sumi: You don't get it, Jungkook. You don't know me enough. 

Jungkook: I don't need to know you to be able to fall in love with you. I love you because my heart is telling me to. 

Tears started streaming down my cheeks. He suddenly wiped them for me and stared into my eyes. He suddenly started leaning in until our lips touched one another. He kissed me on the lips, gently, passionately, and deeply. 


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