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Just saying, I dont think I'll update as regularly as I am at the start of this. I already had the first little bit written and it's still school holidays for another 5 days so I have the extra time. Just a warning so you don't expect to get daily chapters, but I will always aim to have a chapter up every 1-2 weeks. Okay thanks :D

-----------------------------------------------------Chapter 1------------------------------------------------------

I tapped away on the computer researching for the History essay on World War II I knew I would be given later this week. Hitler… His, uh, ‘workers’, sorry I can’t even say what they were called they were so bad… Concentration camps! It’s mind boggling how horrible people can be when influenced by one man with too much power and greed. Power and greed… not a great mix in my opinion. One man should never be given the power to change everything single-handedly. It’s quite honestly a disaster in the making. What were people thinking!?


I jumped, why didn’t I hear her? Oh well, probably just too far ‘away’. I turned to Sarah raising my eyebrows questioningly.

“It’s time to go to our next class,” she said pulling her timetable out. That was the issue with the beginning of the year, never knowing what you had next and who you’d have it with.

“It’s maths,” she said confidently. She turned and strode out the door. I smiled and shook my head then quickly logged off and followed slowly. She’d already found a seat when I entered the classroom but seemed to be having some sort of an argument with someone about it. The person’s voice boomed above all the rest, “I own that spot, now move it!” I smiled knowing the voice.

I waltzed over to where Sarah was gathering her stuff to move, “Don’t bother Sarah. That’s your seat, you stay there.”

She looked at me in horror. She’d heard the rumours but still didn’t quite believe that I’d fought with Craig four years ago, nor that he was now very scared of me. I turned to Craig, “Go on, scoot!”

Craig looked stunned for a minute; we hadn’t been in the same class for two years now. I knew what he was thinking, ‘oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! It’s her.’ It’s kind of strange how I say I knew what he was thinking because most people would think I was speaking figuratively. But I’m not. I’m serious; I knew exactly what was flashing through his head. It’s why I waited patiently for him to respond rather than just pushing him away like I usually would. Craig quickly spun on his heels and turned to the nearest empty seat. He wouldn’t be getting any bullying done while I was in his class. It was a satisfying thought that left a grin on my face. Mrs Gilbert walked in, and the lesson began.

I swear the teachers must love me! Whenever I’m in their class then the class actually listens, or at least doesn’t disrupt the rest of us who actually care if we learn. Especially the teachers that also have Craig to teach. Honestly the only time he learns something must be when I’m there to stop him being an utter idiot!

“Do you wanna go to the mall?” Sarah jumped in, breaking my chain of thought.

“Huh, what?” I stammered.

“You, me, mall?”

“Oh, I’m not really in the mood.”

Sarah frowned, “You’re never in the mood to go shopping,” she complained.

“It’s too loud,” I moaned. Thanks to my leopard-ness I had very sensitive hearing that didn’t like the loudness that other people my age seemed to crave and live upon. It was rather annoying. I’d much prefer spending my time in a library where it’s silent.

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