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A/N This is very near the end now. Probably only a couple more chapter (like 5 maximum) 

The image is who I initially tried to base Nimrah off of (in terms of appearance), but I think I may have deviated a bit. Guess it really depends on how you all view her.

Enjoy :D and vote!!! 

------------------------------Chapter 24------------------------------------

I didn’t miss the gleeful look on Miriam’s face as I began to let loose. But at that point in time I didn’t care. This was my moment; this was my decision; I was going to bring the armed men down. I’d faced rifles and armed men before, when escaping the Determiners… well trying to. I’m not going to bullshit anyone and pretend I succeeded… because I didn’t. You think that knowledge will deter me? Make me think twice before attacking three guys with rifles pointed at the heads of three of my friends? Nah. You know why? Because before I was only fighting for my own pitiful existence. Now I really had something to defend.

It was my quickest shift yet. The three men jerked when they saw a girl one second and a snarling snow leopard the next. One of them smirked, “I’d hate to bloody up that pretty white coat of yours.”

He taunted, removing the rifle’s barrel from the back of Lon’s head and fired a shot at my paws. I leapt back and grinned… well… as much as a leopard can grin. Mistake one, arsehole, I thought to him. My gaze locked on his, but my mind shifted elsewhere. I remembered the time Lon had ‘convinced’ Chase to leave my room and my vow to never even attempt mind control… I guess like all vows and laws, there are exceptions. I mentalised Miriam’s voice and decided to project it out to the other two gunslingers still poised with their fingers on the trigger.

Lower your weapons. Short and simple. If I went into detail I doubt I could convince them. They looked at each other then shrugged and stepped back pointing this guns to the floor. I expected Miriam to protest but she simply watched through the big screen with a satisfied smirk on her face. I feel like I was doing exactly what she wanted, but there was nothing else I could do. Lon’s gunman stared at the pacified men with as frown, “What are you doing?”

Mistake two. With his head turned to his co-workers he missed my attack. I launched myself at him. Flashes of Doctor Onam flashed through my mind but determination to protect my friends allowed me to push them aside. I loosed a high pitched yowl as my claws sunk into the man’s side tackling him to the floor. Upon impact his rifle was thrown across the floor with a scrabbling skid. Bracing myself atop him I began slashing my claws across his chest. Never deep enough to cause serious harm, but enough that it should scar. A dark thought crossed my mind. Good.

In my anger I was beginning to lose myself. My tail lashed violently side to side, slicing the air. Hackles were raised. The blue of my eyes began to darken drifting further and further from the person who hated herself for accidentally killing an awful man as I stared at the guy beneath me. I just kept thinking. He wanted to kill Lon or Sarah. He was willing to bury a bullet in their heads. And any hesitation or reluctance I felt dissipated. The man cried out and like knives my claws sliced through his shirt and tore his flesh. The scent of blood began filling my nostrils.

The other two men had finally jumped into action and were running at me. They raised their rifles and fired warning shots in my direction. I abandoned the cowering mess beneath me and threw myself at the two men. They were yelling but I couldn’t hear them over the blood pounding in my ears. I knocked them both to the floor in a single pounce and got ready to attack when I heard a whisper. I couldn’t hear the yells, but I could hear the whisper.

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