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------------------------------------Chapter 11--------------------------------------- 

No fear lanced through me as I wielded my claws and fangs, dispatching any in my path. I reached the man I hunted, crouching low I approached. Sweat dribbled from the man’s face as his eyes darted quickly about the room. I smelt his desperation. I feed on it. My lips curled back revealing my white razor sharp teeth. I pounced on him, pinning him beneath my feline form. My eyes bore into him, my mind drilling into his. One final chance before I forced the information from him. Pungent sweat dribbled along his forehead, falling to the blood-stained concrete. I flicked my tail impatiently.

So? My unspoken words bounced through his head. But alas, he was tough… Despite the smell of fear his eyes were calm as he stared me down. I’d have to use force.

Well then if that’s the case… the voice I sent to him changed dramatically. The octave lowered and resonated in his head. Slowly I mimicked his own voice, tell her everything. Then like a dam breaking, a torrent of words spilt from his mouth. He stared at me with confusion. Like he couldn’t figure out why he’d changed his mind. I couldn’t help the inkling of pleasure I got as all his dark secrets, all that I needed poured from his mouth.

I bolted upright in my bed. What the hell was that? That wasn't me! I'd never become so cold hearted and emtionless. My eyes darted around the room. There was nobody there. My hands gripped at the bed sheets. They were damp with sweat. Grimacing I felt my t-shirt clinging to my body. It was uncomfortable. A chill rippled through me as I reviewed the dream.

Stop it! I tell myself. It was simply a dream. It means nothing. I refuse to manipulate people’s thoughts. I’ll never act so scummy!

I knew that many people here wouldn’t be too happy to hear that. It was kind of strange. I’d never been so unforthcoming before. I mean yes, I was a bit or a terror in my early years, but that was just because I was struggling with some stuff. I guess technically I’m still struggling. I’m struggling to fit in. But that’s nothing new. It’s different here. It’s like even though they say I’m one of them, even though I apparently fit in here, certain people seem to know more than they’re willing to share with me. Like a secret everyone knows, except for the person it involves. It made me reluctant to trust them. But then, I was always reluctant to trust people… So why did I feel like I was constantly finding a barrier they wanted me to break down, when all I wanted to do was go around it?

I was restless now. There was no point even trying to go back to sleep. I rolled and checked the glowing red digits on the clock mounted on the wall. With a soft click it flicked to read 12.38.

Still a long time until morning. I threw back the covers and padded out to my wardrobe. That felt weird to say… my wardrobe. The varnished oak wood felt smooth beneath my fingertips, wrapped about the knob. So different from the flaking, painted white, ones at the dorms, I thought thinking back to my old school; the place Sarah would currently be lying, probably wide awake too, if today had affected her as it seemed to. Hinges squealed in protest as I opened pulled the wardrobe open. I grabbed a pair of bum pants, a fresh shirt and my brown slippers then exited my room. I rushed to the nearest bathroom. At this time on night there was no chance of anyone being in there. At the far end were the showers. Dumping my fresh clothes onto the floor I quickly shed my current clothes and clambered into the shower, hastily turning on the taps. Water quickly engulfed me. Anxiety shivered over my skin. It was crazy, but a fear of water was just so deeply embedded in my nature, I had trouble remembering it wouldn’t actually hurt me. I stayed under just long enough to wash the slim of drying sweat from my skin before barrelling out, grabbing the nearest towel. I wiped my body dry. The air in the room was thick with humidity created from the shower. I cringed and began  pulling on my pants, shirt and slippers. My hair still dripped down my back, but there wasn’t really anything I could do about that. Scooping my discarded clothes into a pile I tipped them into the laundry chute then left the bathroom. I felt an urgency to be quiet for some unknown reason as I counted the doors to the one labelled one-nine-nine. Simulation room. I think I just wanted privacy more than anything. The door to the room was a thick metal one. Cold to touch, almost daunting enough to make me return to my room. But the thought of my probably still damp sheets and the memories of the dream still wrapped up in my head deterred me. The door was silent when I tugged it open. Thank god for small mercies, I thought. The room was empty. Just a large metal box. I frowned. Do they expect you to use your imagination or something? As I shut the door, a large holographic screen flickered into life. A list of backgrounds appeared on the screen. They scrolled automatically before slowing over snowy woods. The accuracy of what I would have picked was almost scary as it stopped on one particular setting.

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