Done With You

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A/N Yay, I uploaded :D

Anyway, please feel free to leave comments, and you know, if you like it you could vote too ;)

Thanks for reading xx :D

----------------------------------------Chapter 9------------------------------------ 

The remainder of the week passed in a blur of motion. Train, eat, strategize, train, eat a little more and sleep. My muscles ached. I was an active person but never really gotten too competitive in terms of training. That is unless it came to battling Seraphine. I had another session with her and she did not go easy! I ended in the medical bay to get stitches in my leg… again. Maybe you wouldn't actually call that competitive and just... simple defense?

But still my mood couldn’t have been better as Allegro, Max and I made our way to the mall to meet Sarah. Max was forced to come along as apparently Miriam got wind of a planned attack on me and I’m supposedly ‘too inexperienced to take care of myself’ and Allegro ‘wouldn’t be able to save his own life let alone mine.’ Allegro had gone red when she told him that. I felt sorry for him. His face was downcast as he pulled into the mall car park.

“Allegro, ignore Miriam. She was horrible. Nothing she said was true. I can take care of myself and I’d trust you with my life any second of the day… Seraphine on the other hand… she scares me. But Miriam’s just a… bee with an itch.”

Allegro raised his eyebrows questioningly, “bee with an itch? I can honestly say I’ve never heard that one before,” Allegro said cracking the first smile I’d seen since Miriam’s rant. I grinned back.

“Yep, bee with an itch. It originated when I was talking about a bee rubbing its legs together when I was about seven. I cracked up, which was a rarity at the time, and pointed at it saying ‘look, look! A bee with an itch!’ My ‘at that point in time’ teacher looked at me in horror and said I had disgusting language. Wasn’t for another three to four years before I worked out what she thought I had meant, and it’s been my insult ever since.”

“Cute,” Max and Allegro said in unison.

I snorted, “Was that planned, because it was spooky?”

Max and Allegro looked at each other and smiled. They were talking to each other, I could tell.

“Yes,” they said, “It’s our one main goal in life; to completely freak you out.”

I shuddered, honestly it was spooky, “Quit it!”

We pulled up right out front of the mall. Jeez, talk about good luck. It’s next to impossible to get a park like this at this mall. I scrambled from the car, never had I been this excited to be at the mall! I dug my phone out of my pocket checking one last time for where Sarah and I had arranged to meet. I clicked message and tapped out:


The reply was almost instantaneous.


I spun around. Sarah stood there grinning. She spread her arms for a hug.

“You know I’m not a hugger,” I moaned but moved to receive and return one. She grinned squeezing tightly before hesitantly releasing me. She stepped back and held me at arm’s length, “You know you’d think we hadn’t seen each other in more than like a week or two. What’s that school doing to you? Jeez, we’ve been apart for six weeks plus and you’ve never show such affection!”

I shrugged, well life’s been hard, I get beaten up on a regular basis however they call it training, I made a few friends, which is strange… oh and how could I forget, I’m not the only genetic mistake-slash-freak there is. Oh but to top it off, even in a coven of freaks I still happen to be the freakiest. I wanted so much to blurt that out, but I knew I couldn’t, so I smiled, “Well, it’s different because all those times I knew you’d be there soon and we’d be able to hang out until we got sick of each other… but now, these moments will be the ones to cherish.”

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