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A/N This is it


Following the sound of police sirens, Robert, Jamie and Ariella pulled into the lot at the school. Police were strategizing, creating a cordon to keep people clear as they tried to figure out the best plan of action that would result in the least amount of injuries. Tears streamed from many girls’ eyes and despite attempts to look calm and collected it was clear that the guys were feeling rather distraught too. They grunted and swiped a hand beneath their nose as they pushed down their anxiety. Jamie in an instant was ducking under the yellow ‘Caution’ tape and running into the cleared building. Police shouted but he wasn’t stopping. He’d just found his sister again. He was not going to risk losing her again.

He didn’t even know what floor he was supposed to be heading to. Behind him he heard more steps pounding and turned expecting to see Robert. But it was the shy quite changer. He couldn’t remember her name but right now it wasn’t important as she shoved passed him and whispered a number, “three.” He frowned but followed her. She seemed to have an idea of where to go though he wasn’t sure how. Her pace was fast and unwavering. Jamie almost had difficulty keeping up. He thanked his years of track that enabled him to manage it. She stopped on level three and started down the corridor. There was a loud thumping and strangled cries. With a burst of adrenalin Jamie shot right past Ariella swinging into the room. He was prepared to fight and almost felt a shiver of disappointment when he saw his sister and some girl hugging on the floor and three people pinned by other changers.

“Ash?” he said. It took a second for me to react. I’m going to have to ask him to not call me Ash or Ashley. I just don’t respond to it anymore.

“Yeah,” I said looking up from Sarah’s hair. He saw my bloodshot eyes and gave me a questioning look. I mouthed, I’m fine, back to him. He nodded. I smiled and pulled back from Sarah. I stood and offered my hand to her which she gratefully took.

“Sarah,” I started, “This is my exciting news,” I started pointing at Jamie, “This… This is my brother.”

Sarah, mid-sniffle and dashing a finger beneath her eye, froze. She raised her eyes to Jamie and took him in then fear and sadness forgotten squealed, “He’s hunky! And he’s got your eyes! I thought you didn’t know where he was!” she demanded stamping her foot at me.

I laughed, “I didn’t… until today… Jamie is Mr Brown.”

Sarah frowned disbelieving at me, “Mr Brown? You don’t even have the same last name.”

And then I realised just how much I had to explain… But later. Right now the police were slamming down the doors and taking in the surroundings. Robert was with them and start pointing out the perpetrators – with Max’s help – pointing at the three pinned and then… at Chase.

I frowned. Chase? I’d forgotten about him.

Suddenly Seraphine spoke up, “No… He’s not guilty of anything… except maybe being just as gullible as me,” she hung her head. Chase looked shocked… actually everyone in the room did. Did Seraphine really just knock herself down a peg and support someone else?

But Chase then shook his head, “No…” he started, “I’m still at fault… just perhaps not this one incident…” his voice shook, “I let the Determiners into the Society… I helped them kidnap Nimrah.”

Another round of shocked expressions. He turned to me, “I… I’m so sorry Nimrah.” I could see the genuine pain in his eyes and shrugged, “No harm done,” I said nonchalantly. Jamie wasn’t so forgiving and lurched forward grabbing Chase’s shirt in his fist. Police men jumped into action, ready to pull him off.

“Jamie!” I cried, “Stop! Like I said no harm done! In fact if it hadn’t have happened, I probably wouldn’t know Alberta or Colt,” I insisted. At the hand of a policeman on his arm Jamie conceded and let Chase drop. The policemen looked questioningly at us, unsure what to do.

I smiled at them, “He’s fine,” meaning Chase. So they merely gathered up their three criminals and started exiting. I grinned and once more threw my arms around Sarah, pulled back and threw myself in a quick hug from Lon and then a long bear hug from Jamie. I whispered in his ear, “At some point you’ll have to tell me about Mum and Dad,” I said. I heard him gulp but ignored it and said one final thing.

“By the way… My name’s not Ashley anymore. It’s Nimrah.”


Thank you to everyone who read, commented and/or voted. I'm now planning a very different and hopefully better story. 

Sorry if this ending seems like a bit of a cop out. It wasn't meant to be. 


Nimrahحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن