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------------------------------------------Chapter 2-------------------------------------------

I gave a little shriek and turned to see a boy who looked about seventeen. He had short black hair and the strangest green eyes I’d ever seen. They were so bright! His expression though was very dark.

“What are you doing here?” I stammered. He looked at me like I was an idiot.

“I could ask you the very same question.”

My sudden fright induced fear dissipated, “Yeah you could, however I asked you and would very much like a simple answer, not some wise ass comment,” I said. He locked a glare on me. I sent one just as vicious back to him. Our gazes battled for a moment before his face cracked and a smile lit it up, “You’re good. Most people freak out at my glare and run off.”

“Well I’m not an ordinary person.”

“That’s obvious.”

“What do you mean?” I snapped. I couldn’t believe him. He was so rude. And what did he mean? Did he know?

“Well you have a very quick temper, for one.”

Relief almost caused my glare to falter. “You’re rude!” I growled to save myself.

The boy laughed, “Actually, I’m Chase Collins.”

“Good for you. Shouldn’t you be at school?”

“Shouldn’t you?”

“That’s my business, not yours.”

“And it’s also your business whether I should be in school?”

“If I want it to be, and I do.” The smile on Chase’s face grew. He obviously found me very funny… it was strange.

“You’re brilliant you know that. And yes, I should be in school but someone had to come after you.”

I stared incredulously, “you followed me.”

“Yup, but hell you run fast!”


Chase waited for a second. But as the silence grew asked, “I never got your name.”

“Nimrah… White.”

“Awe, that’s cute. Do you like snow leopards? You should with a name like that.”

That was even stranger. He knew meaning of my name? That’s not exactly general knowledge. Certainly not for a name like mine! I stared at him. He stared back for a moment, almost as though expecting me to say something. Then with a shrug of his shoulders said, “You should get back to school.”

I raised an eyebrow, “You too.”

“Alrighty,” Chase said moving to stand by me, “Let’s go then.”

He waited for me to make the first move then fell into step beside me. I decided I’m going to have to keep an eye on Mr Collins. He seemed a little bit too knowledgeable.

Before you even reached the school you could tell you were near by the masses of trash that littered the grounds. The quantities growing the closer you got. It was a dump, but try as they might the school never managed to clear it up. Everywhere I looked was empty. Classes must have started then.

“I’ve got to get to science, where are you off to?” Chase asked. He pulled his phone from his pocket. As he unlocked the screen I saw the time flash across it. I’d been gone longer than I’d realised. The period was already fifteen minutes in. A sudden thought crossed my mind as I tried to figure what class I should have been in. Something I’d almost forgotten upon meeting this strange character.

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