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-------------------------------------------Chapter 4------------------------------------------- 

CRAP! I exclaimed silently as my eyes opened. I’m in hell!

“Not quite,” Chase’s voice floated to me, “But I probably am.” He sounded weary but I didn’t care.

Oh brilliant, Chase followed me to hell. Or maybe he dragged me down with him. Maybe I was supposed to go to heaven because the Lord forgave me and didn’t mind that I’d killed a bad man. But Chase wasn’t going to let that happen was he! No! Chase dragged me to hell where I am deemed to live forever, tortured by his mere presence. That’s not very nice.

“Do you mind controlling your thoughts?”

Hell yeah I mind, dick who screwed up my life and is now going to ruin my death! What happened to ‘Rest In Peace?’

“You’re not in hell! You didn’t die!” Chase was moaning. Okay… now that Chase mentions it hell does look a lot like the cells at that torture place where I was ‘killed’. Is that a coincidence or... I’m not dead! But how? I was shot… wasn’t I?

“No… Well yes but not with a bullet. You were shot with another tranquilizer gun only this one is disguised to look more like a real gun than the one you were shot with in the forest. Not that you saw that gun but that’s beside the point. The point is you’re not dead, you’re still alive and so long as you’re alive we have a chance of escaping. Though it’s harder now because both of us are locked up. Not just you.”

Maybe he didn’t intend it but I swear I heard a sneer in his voice and on that hunch I retaliated, “Oh well I’m sorry you and your stupid plan failed but you know you could have just forgotten about me and left me to be miserable by myself.”

“Jeez! You get mad really quickly you know!”

“It’s in my nature. Just like running!” Why did I say that? Am I planning on up and running out of this, because that seems a bit unlikely? But still as the thought occurred I knew that was exactly what I was planning to do.

The night drew out long and dark. I could hear Chase whimpering in his sleep, but kicked myself whenever I began to pity him. Thoughts whirled through my head. No not thoughts, tiny fragments of plans, like pieces of a puzzle, slowly slotting into place. I was going to escape, I already knew it… well I told myself I knew it at least, and finally I was working out the how.

The black sky was a dark square on the ceiling of the cell. Time ticked on and slowly the darkness became a soft dawn grey, and then a striking pink. A saying drifted through my mind, Pink sky morning; Sheppard’s warning… then changed it, Kidnappers’ warning.

“Nimrah?” a dozy, hesitant voice drifted to me snapping me back to myself.


“Oh thank god! I dreamt that they’d killed you while I slept and was worried it was true.”

Are you kidding me? I snorted, “Trust me Chase you would have known if they’d tried to kill me. I wouldn’t die without one hell of a fight. There would have been no way for you to sleep through it.” Even though I thought it true I could tell by the long silence that Chase wasn’t as sure as I was.

“Oi! Leopard.” The latch on my door opened with a loud groan followed by a click, then the door to my cell swung open. A man completely clad in black stood with a gun aimed at me, “Gee up now! You’re with me,” he commanded. To shocked to disobey I rose to my feet and sidled over to him. He grabbed me by my hair and jammed the barrel of his gun against my throat. Using this as leverage the man dragged me out of the cell and door corridors until we’d reached a massive white room. For some reason it scared me more than the cold grey one I’d been in yesterday. Maybe it was the smell of antiseptic that assaulted my nostrils or the large variety of sterilized equipment. Or perhaps it was that by quick glance I saw no kind of sedative in the room, so whatever they had planned for me today, I’d be wide awake while it happened.

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