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I'm sorry I know.. I haven't uploaded in like a week. I'm sorry. I've almost finished the next chapter though. Just like one more page to go then drafting. So another chapter should be up soon. So it's just finding a time to upload

xx Thanks for still reading :D

-------------------------------------------Chapter 6-------------------------------------------

“Miss Nimrah and Mr Collins have already been transferred. Mr Collins parents have agreed and Miss Nimrah seems happy to be enrolled with us.”

“Nimrah? I thought you enjoyed this school,” Mrs Shella, the principal, frowned. I’d always liked her and felt bad, as if I was betraying her. I’m sorry…

I stood before her in a fake school uniform Chase and I had picked up on our way to the school Robert Murdoch shot me a look that seemed to tell me to shut my mind up.

“I did Mrs Shella… but everyone found out about my family and they all treated me different after that. They look at me like a lost puppy, something to be pitied. I don’t want pity. I’ve lived with it since I was five, I’m used to abandonment. I don’t want people asking me if I’m okay or asking why my parents left. I’m fine and I don’t have the slightest clue as to why my parents ditched me. So I think this new school could be like a fresh start. For the few days I’ve been there I’ve been treated as equal. I’ve already made friends and you know how difficult that is for me…”

“What about your anger?”

“Uh… well, I don’t seem as angry… if that’s what you mean?”

“I guess. If you’re really happy. But this may be a difficult transfer.”

“How so?”

“I’m currently your legal guardian. That may have to be changed.”

“You’re my… why?”

“Otherwise you’d be in a foster home. Your primary teachers saw what potential you had and when you came to this school asked if I could takeover legal guardian. Authorities hadn’t been too interested in you back then… well, to be honest they hadn’t known your parents had actually abandoned you, but when they found out you’d just started at this school, and so I was appointed your legal guardian.”

Well that’s news to me! I have a legal guardian?

“Oh, don’t worry. We can sort that stuff out,” Robert assured, “I’ll take over guardianship if it’s really necessary.”

“Oh… I guess.” I could tell Mrs Shella wasn’t happy about this. I think she actually cared about me. That made this whole deal much more difficult.

“I’m sorry Mrs Shella. I just don’t belong here. I never really have, but I feel like I belong at the other school,” I bit my lip to fight off rising tears.

She seemed to be doing a similar thing, “May I ask what this school is called. You haven’t yet mentioned it. Not once.”


“C.A. Or often called Change Academy,” Robert cut in.

“Change Academy?” Mrs Shella sniffed.

“Yes ma’am. You can feel free to visit whenever you like. The kids’ friends too.”

I wasn’t sure if Robert was telling the truth but I felt a rise in my spirits and hopes.

“Yes… Alright. Nimrah, I’ll visit frequently and bring along Sarah on occasions. Things probably won’t settle down for you for a few weeks and you may have a couple visits from a solicitor and lawyers, just while we sort this thing out.”

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