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-------------------------------Chapter 26-----------------------------------

I gave Jamie a quick low down on what was really happening here at the Changer’s Society. The blackmail, the alleged weaponisation of us changers, Miriam’s apparent lack of regard for our safety. But it all had to be said quickly. I didn’t know how long Miriam would be gone and I had to go help my friends! Jamie’s eyes went wide with horror, “My god,” he whispered and pulled me into a hug.

I didn’t know what to do so I just wrapped my arms back around him then after a quick squeeze stepped back. As I stepped away Miriam stormed into the room like a wildfire. Lon, Alberta and Colt were behind her, heavily guarded. Jamie’s forced a blank expression to his face. As though brother and sister hadn’t just been reunited after twelve or so years. It was so convincing I began to question if I hadn’t vividly daydreamed the entire thing.

“Mr Brown,” Miriam started, “I pray you don’t take Nimrah’s mistake as a representation of the entire Society here.”

Jamie’s face twisted, “Mistake? What mistake would that be?” he said in a professional tone. It was Miriam’s turn to look confused.

“Well I assumed… You called a halt to Nimrah’s display of her abilities… I…” I’d never seen her so stumped on what to say. I almost wanted to applaud my brother. He held himself tall and indicated to my three friends behind Miriam, “You needn’t display their abilities to me. I have what I need and would like to have a word to the Society’s director.”

Miriam opened her mouth but took a few seconds to respond. She suddenly reminded me of one of those clown games at carnivals… you know the ones where you put the ball in the clown’s mouth. They permanently look shocked and currently so did Miriam. I contemplated for a second finding a round object and pushing it into her mouth and seeing what prize that earned me, but decided against it. Finally Miriam spoke, “Of course, but why would you like to speak to him?”

Jamie almost rolled his eyes before realising how unprofessional that would seem, “I want to speak the person with the most control here.”

Miriam smirked and if she was a male peacock would have started preening her tail feathers. Instead she just straightened her dress suit and stood a little taller, “That would happen to be me.”

Jamie snorted. He raised a hand to cover his nose and pushed a slightly bashful look to his face, “Please excuse me, but, how do you have the most control?”

Miriam launched straight into her explanation, “I understand that being called the chairwoman of this Society doesn’t totally explain my role here. But I am the person who handles the changers and their training and schooling regime. I make many of the important decisions of this place. I report to the director the work ethics of the hired hands and recommend when one should be fired or not…” Miriam’s list droned on for nearly five minutes. Despite the apprehension I was feeling towards the safety of my friends I found myself having to focus on keeping a smile off my face as she continued to boast about her role at the Society. Her hands flapped about, dotting the air to make a point. Finally she finished by crossing her arms over her chest.

“You’re right,” Jamie said, “I’m sorry, poor choice of words. I wish to speak to the person with the most power in the Society.”

“That…” before Miriam could start again Jamie cut in.

“You said yourself that you report to your director, so may I please speak to them.”

The look Jamie gave Miriam removed any room for further discussion. Miriam refrained from grumbling but only barely, then sent someone to go get the director.

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