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Sorry. I was all set to update last week. In the mood to write and such... but typing really was painful. My wrist seems to be righting itself now though. Still a tad sore (hence a bit of a short chapter) but it's typable (doubt that's a word but who really cares)

ANYWAY! I feel I have to warn you this is a bit of a hectic chapter. So sorry if it gets confusing. Hopefully you can follow it. If so, you could always give it a vote you know :D Would be great help to me. 

Any final thing. I do intend to end this story rather soon. I have a few more things that I want to pull into it. Bad guys, good guys, and one other guy ;) I just hope it all pulls together. 

Thanks for reading xxxxx 

------------------------------------------Chapter 21-------------------------------------------------

I jiggled my knee, impatiently biting the inside of my cheek. We were all silent. I wasn’t sure what to do or say. Alberta and Colt’s story scared me a little. I couldn’t exactly say that I was looking forward now to heading back to the Changers’ Society. I could no longer judge where was safe. I’d assumed that up until just recently I must have been hidden from both groups… the Society and the Determiners. But now I hear that I’ve been watched my whole life. I’m actually screwed… we all are.

The silence was killing me. My fingers began drumming across my thigh. A slight ping of pain made me pause.

“What’s wrong?” Lon’s breath tickled my ear. I pushed a stray strand that flitted across my vision, back behind my ear. Then leaning down I gentle began to work the leg of my jeans up until they cleared my knee. The cap was a dark blue-black colour. My mind flashed to falling on it as I’d tackled Lucas to the floor. I groaned and flung my head back, “I forgot!!”

Lon frowned in confusion.

“I fell to my knee and one point and it hurt… And in the rush to get out I forgot about it until now.” Lon snorted softly. He gently pulled my leg my leg up into his lap. I twisted in my sat to keep my jeans from pulling taut. The pad on his thumb gently brushed over the patchwork bruise. I flinched, hissing under my breath. Lon froze and slowly pulled his hand away, “Sorry. You’re going to have fun walking on this later.”

Sarah turned around in her seat and glared at us, “What are you two whispering about?” She saw my leg draped over Lon’s and a mischievous glint entered her eyes, until they travelled further to the knee. She gasped, “Mother eff girl!” she hollered, “What the hell is up with you and getting beaten and bruised!?”

That caused a reaction from others as they panicked and begun asking what was wrong.

“What happened!?” “Did they do something to you?” “What did they do?”

I groaned and rolled my eyes, “Chill out! It’s nothing, just a bruise!” Lon snorted again, “Sorry bub but that’s not just a bruise.”

I frowned at him.

“I think you may have cracked the kneecap. Essentially like a bruise it’ll just be a waiting game… but just a slightly longer one.”

I groaned again this time throwing my head back against the window with a dull thud. Lon laughed, “Don’t hurt yourself further, ae?”

I huffed and let my head loll to the side.

Alberta was just about having a nervous breakdown in the back seat. Her fingers drumming with one hand and clenched Colt’s shirt in the other. She jiggled her legs, her feet tapped. Her lips were red from being bitten and sawn back and forth between her lips. And her gaze continually flicked back and forth between the world outside the van’s window and Colt’s face. He sighed and pulled her close to him tucking her beneath his arm. Colt cradled the side of her head, pressing his lips to the hair covering her ear. His murmurs were too soft for anyone else to hear. But Alberta relaxed into his grip. Flopping her head to his shoulder.  Colt lifted his head to address the rest of the van.

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