Behind My Ear

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------------------------------Chapter 13-----------------------------------

Did Allegro really expect me to sleep? The idea was laughable. I shuffled my way down the hall to the computer room. Generally they were used for strategizing classes, but right now I was just in the need for social media. I logged on and opened Facebook, suddenly realising that I hadn’t been on since meeting Chase.

Sixteen notifications sat at the top of the page and three messages. Raising an eyebrow I clicked the messages. One was a group chat I didn’t remember being a part of. All the girls had sent messages, some apologising for my parents, some asking where I was. Some accusing me of abandoning them… as though I was ever really a part of their group. Not sure whether to feel flattered or annoyed I clicked on the next message. It was from Mrs Shella. It was dated from earlier that morning. It was brief and to the point, what more would I expect, but the massage itself shocked me:


                I’ve managed to organise to get some of the girls to your school for a visit. Two

                young boys are also coming along for a visit to Mr Collins. So yes. We’ll be there


                Mrs Shella

She’s coming to visit? And that meant that I would see Sarah again already. A grin stretched across my face. I moved onto the notifications. Most of them game requests. I rolled my eyes and logged off the smile still pushing my cheeks up. I checked the time on my watch. It was nearly midday now. I decided I may as well head back to my room. I had a few books that I could read. After all I was meant to be feeling sick right now. And I guess I am a bit tired. I padded quietly back towards my room and pulled my ‘Big Book of Fairy Tales’ from my shelf before slipping between my bed sheets. I opened to Peter Pan and began reading.

“Nim?” who was calling my name? Where was I?

I spun around. It was endless, snow covered forest. Panic boiled in my chest. Was I trapped in the simulation room?

“Nim!” whoever it was, was more insistent now, “Help?” I called cautiously.

“Nim, wakey wakey,” the voice… ugh it sounded so familiar. Who was it? Wait… wakey?? Am I?

I groaned, my eyes fluttering open. Yellow eyes stared at me, barely an inch from my face. I loosed a small shriek shuffling myself up the bed. The yellow eyes rocked back following a soft laugh, “Morning sleeping beauty,” Lon smirked.

My face burned. Lon. Always Lon.

“Awe, come on. Why so red? Because I scared you or are you still thinking about waking up with me?” I groaned again, grabbing my pillow from behind me and whacking it over his head.

“Hey!” he exclaimed falling from his perch on the side of my bed. A thud reverberated as he fell to the floor. I glared down at him as he flopped back and began laughing. He clutched his stomach as he rolled across the floor. I had to admit it was kind of adorable… Had I really just thought that? Still holding the glare was difficult.

“Oh Nim. Honestly you need to chill out about it. You aren’t the first girl to fall asleep on me. I mean you’re that first that wasn’t my girlfriend but still.” Girlfriend? That was news to me, I thought as my chest twanged. Was I jealous right now? “Well or my sister.” Hold up sister? I was suddenly struck by just how little I ready knew about Lon. Or really any of the other people at this place… I mean I hadn’t really any desire to know more about Miriam, or anything about Seraphine. I preferred to simply stare clear of her. But the rest, I should get to know better.

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