The Determiners Were Here

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-----------------------------------------Chapter 15--------------------------------------------

 I made my way directly to the faux-maths class on high-alert. I briefly heard people calling after me as I fled but I ignored them, merely hastening my pace. The blue carpet blurred and mild panic set in I felt myself struggling to stay human. I clenched my teeth together in grim determination. I can’t change. I can’t suddenly become a snow leopard. There are people here.

I burst open the door to the maths class. Basically everyone was just turning and talking to each other, barely anyone heard me enter, but I think all the changers felt me as I accidentally projected my panic.

“Nim? What is it? What’s wrong?” Lon rose from his seat. The room slowly turned silent as I struggled with myself to not shift forms and explain my panic. Calm down, Nim. Lon’s voice whispered through my mind. A hand on either side of my arms he held me at arm’s length ensuring he could look me squarely in the eye.

“My room…” I started. I don’t remember when but sometime in my rush here my breaths had become short spurted gasps, “My room…” I repeated, “Some… one… Someone was in my room.”

I panted. My head swam violently. I grabbed Lon’s arms to keep my balance.

“Shit Nim, are you having a panic attack?”

My eyes fluttered briefly shut as I gasped, black spots appearing before my eyes. I rocked forward, almost falling if not for Lon. Lon turned and yelled something and then Allegro was behind me holding a chair. Lon directed me to the chair and sat me down. Head between your knees and breathe, Nimrah! Lon’s voice was urgent in my mind. I flopped forward bracing my head between my knees. I sucked in a breath. It hitched and sent me into a fit of coughs and splutters.

Breathe. Lon repeated. I became aware of someone rubbing my back as I tried another breath. This was more successful than the prior but still not enough.

“Shhh,” someone was hushing. Lon or Al I assumed, but which I didn’t know.

I sucked in more breaths, each becoming easier than its predecessor. My vision cleared and after a minute I was able to sit up again. All the changers, even Seraphine, were crowded around my chair, and Amelia. Everyone else was hanging back.

“Miss White… I mean Nimrah, what’s the matter?” Amelia stepped forward and asked.

I took one large breathe before starting, “I went to my room… the door was ajar. I remember shutting it this morning. Then one of my books was out of place. I mean both those thing I could have potentially done myself… but then the wind blew… the window wasn’t open… But I felt the breeze. So I went to the window… and the whole thing had been removed. There was no glass.

“I think someone’s broken in,” I admitted, “And I panicked.”

“What?!” Seraphine squawked. She spun hastily on her heels and exited the room.

“She’ll be going to tell Miriam,” Max explained. I nodded and watched her depart. As she did I noticed Mrs Shella and the rest of the group had arrived sometime during my panic attack. Shame filled me as I saw their pitying expressions. Those faces I’d spent a lifetime avoiding. I dropped my gaze to the floor before me. Lon crouched before me as Allegro absent-mindedly rubbed my shoulders as though to help keep me calm.

“Nimrah, you have no excuse to feel ashamed,” Lon said.

I looked out the corner of my eye, refusing to meet his gaze.

“I’m serious, Nim.”

“Try taking your own advice before you expect others to,” I muttered. Lon frowned.

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