Meanwhile at camp

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Annabeth's POV

I was worried sick. One day percy goes it to visit his mom. He said he would be back the next day. It was a week later and I was

Getting hopeless.

I had called Sally and Paul like 9000 times and still nothing. This was an emergency so it was the only Time I. had used my phone! They had sent out search parties and even asked the gods.

They asked all of them. Poseidon, zeus, Hera, Athena, and hundreds more. None of them knew though. Finally I was about to give up.

I was sitting on her bunk weeping. I wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and now he was gone. I suspected he was killed by monsters.

On another smaller note, my cap of invisibility had been taken. I was guessing the culprits were Connor and Travis. They are the camp pranksters. But no matter how much I interrogated them they wouldn't say they did.

But even a small distraction like that couldn't keep the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

"Annabeth?" Came the voice of Piper McLean as she walked through the door of my cabin.

"Hey." I said defeatedly. Piper pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry. We are going to find him" she said as she held me. I could sense some charm speak in her voice but I was too sad to be angry about it.

"How do you know?" I said "He might never be found. He is the first guy I actually liked and now he is gone! I'll never be... what do you guys call us... oh percabeth!" I cried.

"Annabeth don't lose hope!" Piper said. "There is still a god you didn't talk to!"

"Who?" I answered.


How did I not think of that! I am a super genius yet I fail to think of simple solution. Helios the sun god sees everything! He would have seen Percy.

Some time later after a talk with Chiron I had a meeting set up with Helios. I hailed a cab and drove to the Empire State Building.

When I got there I walked up to the front desk lady.

"600th floor please," I said quietly so I didn't sound like a lunatic.

"There is no such thing." said the lady.

"I have an appointment under the name of chase." I said.

"Oh well right on up you go!" She said as she pressed the special button. I walked into the elevator and began the the slow claims to mount olympus.

Luckily if was night now so Helios would have parked his chariot and probably gone to dinner. I made my way past the beautiful buildings, redesigned by yours truly, but I couldn't appreciate fine architecture when she had such a drastic problem.

I arrived at Helios' temple and walked it to see him at a table eating Chinese take out.

"Annabeth hello!" he said.

"Hello Helios." I said.

"What seems to be your problem young lady?" He asked.

" A person Named Perseus Jackson had disappeared. Do you know where he went?" I stated.

"Of course I do. I see all." He said and then looked as if he was trying to recall a memory. "ahh yes. A machine that's as from the future appeared in the alley. Percy put on an invisibility cap. And entered. Now he is in a future world called Panem In the Capitol.". Helios recited as if he had said it many times.

"Thank you soooooooo much Helios. You have no idea how much this information means to me" I exclaimed. "But one more question. Can I make an Iris message to the future?"

Helios seemed to be thinking on that one.

"Yes." he said.

I was astonished.

"Thank you Helios" I yelled as I ran from his palace. I needed to find a fountain. I dug out a golden drachma a nod tossed it into the first fountain I saw.

"Dear Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Perseus Jackson in panem." I said.

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