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I was fairly startled by the loud music. The sky lit up with the Capitol insignia as the national anthem blared from invisible speakers.then the sky pictures changed to pictures of the tributes who died with their numbers and names.

11 children had died on the fist day. That was almost half.

Me and Rue had used leaves and vines to create a sort of mossy door to our tree hole. We had taken the sleeping bag and used it as a sort of mattress.

We used one half as a blanket. We had shared a cookie. That was our dinner. we didn't know how long this food would have to last us so we rationed.

I decided to teach Rue how to bring water to her. It would very likely come in handy here.

"Ok concentrate on water really hard!" I said as she closed her eyes. her face twisted with concentration and her eyes squeezed shut. After sitting like that for two minutes beads of sweat began to form on her forehead and her cupped hands filled with water.

She opened her eyes and gasped when she saw the liquid in her hands. I grinned. I pulled out an empty canteen and guided the water into it. Suddenly Rue passed out. Its normal though, after using demigod powers for the first time.

"Goodnight Rue." I whispered as I leaned back against the wall of our little nook. I began to drift off when I heard a scream and a cannon.

I quickly looked at Rue to make sure she was asleep and she was. I leaned back to lay on the sleeping bag. We were hidden and alive and that was all that mattered now.


The next couple days passed quickly. We ventured out a little ways and gathered a lot of water, and Rue collected some leaves and berries that wouldn't kill us if we ate them. We had been very unnoticed which worried me. Rue said usually the game makers added things to make it interesting. Either they didn't think we were interesting enough or the were planning something big.

We had come back to our tree as the fake sun began to set in the sky. As soon as I pulled myself into our nook after Rue we heard twigs begin to crack.

We pulled apart the cover to our hole just enough to see who was coming.

"It's Katniss!" Rue whispered.

We watched carefully as she scaled the tree next to ours and sat on a branch. I saw her pull out a canteen and take a sip.

We pulled our eyes away and sat back in our nook. I had just started to put my stuff away when I heard Katniss' pursuers. Again we poked our heads out.

"Careers," we said in unison.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now