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Katniss had climbed the tree next to us bringing the careers dangerously close to our spot. we heard the wooping and yelling and we tried to stay still. from our cubby in the tree we watch the careers attempt to get her. They failed utterly if I do say so myself.

The voice of Peeta carried to our ears,"Maybe if we stay the night here she will come down. She has to come down sometime right?"

With that the careers set up a camp UNDER OUR TREE. This had just become a dangerous version of the quiet game.


In the early morning when the careers were sound asleep me and Rue quietly made our way up to the point in our tree where we were equal to Katniss.

We looked at our surroundings trying to find a way to help the situation when we saw the perfect thing. A wasp nest of sorts.

"They're tracker jackers." said Rue. "Genetically enhanced wasps with a poisonous sting."

There was only one problem. The nest was on the other tree. We silently agreed to wait for Katniss. It was still dark on the fake sky and there was time.

When she woke up and noticed us we both motioned to the nest above her. Rue used her hands to mime cutting the branch and I did to. My version probably looked like I was Octavian cutting off an innocent stuffed bear's head.

When Katniss had climbed the tree and began sawing away at the branch we climbed back down to our place and quietly packed our things. When that best fell and the careers were gone we would leave.

It kind of happened in slow motion and when the nest smashed the careers ran. We climbed down quickly until we could drop down then we ran.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now