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First of all I apologize for not writing a chapter in months. I'm really really sorry. please enjoy this chapter.


Me and tris had been running through the woods for hours. We hadn't seen anybody, but it was only a matter of time.

We crouched by a small creek and filled our canteens. Neither of us talked. It was sort of beautiful, despite the facts that it was all fake.

We were just standing up when we heard a thrashing sound. I didn't even have time to draw my weapon before Percy and his friend, Rue I think, slammed into us.

We all fell back into the stream at once. For the next couple of seconds we were thrashing about like, well like 4 drowning teens. I could feel Tris writhing next to me and grabbed her hand.

As we all surfaced and awkwardly climbed out I gazed at the creek. Before I swear it was only a foot deep, but now it looked like a never ending abyss. Everyone stared in silence until Rue piped up.

"The game makers do stuff like that all the time. Natural disasters are their specialty." I glanced at the odd pair next to us only to realize neither of them were wet.

"You two fell in the creek right?" I questioned.

In unison the said, "Yeah."

"But, you aren't wet," I continued.

Percy stared at me for a second or two. Then, magically he just got wet. Rue to. I shook my head, not really sure what I had just seen.

We had just turned to walk away when Katniss of all people came stumbling past in an almost drunken state. She would have drowned in the abyss had we not grabbed her and pulled her out.

"What happened to her?" Tris asked.

"Tracker Jackers," Rue answered. Then, she quickly found a bush, pulled some leaves and handed them out. "Chew, don't swallow."

"When you are done chewing place it on one of these," she motioned to a large bulbous sting on Katniss' neck. We all did as she said and then moved The passed out girl to a safe place where we stayed.

Soon it would be time to leave.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now