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I was waiting in line behind Rue and in front of Katniss. Once again my ADHD was getting the best of me and I was rocking back and forth on my heels. All the tributes had been standing silent. I took a moment to look around.

The other tributes looked spiffy. I myself was wearing Black dress pants and a Black blazer with orange lining. I also had a peachy colored tie. Rue had a cute knee length blue dress with poofy shoulders and a small sash.

Suddenly a snazzily dressed dude with Blue hair stepped out if the theater door. Oh, I almost forgot to mention...the Capitol people dress freaking weird.

"Hello!" he hollered giddily. "It's great to see you all. Now soon each of you will be interviewed in order. Remember, have fun and smile big!" He swiftly turned leaving us with the creepy avox.

Rue smirked,"whoS gonna be smiling when we're in a fight to the death?"she murmured only loud enough for me to hear.

"Him apparently, along with the rest of the Capitol." I replied.

A couple minutes later the stage door opened and glimmer, the girl from district 1 stepped in. On a small screen on the wall I watched as she sat down and began speaking.

One by one the others were called to their turn. I payed attention to Tobias and Tris, but the rest I just ignored. It probably was only an hour but it felt like five before Rue was called. Her face said it all when she sighed. She was probably just as ADHD as I was.

I watched on the tv screen as Rue went to sit in the chair. She was asked about five questions and then done. She looked totally comfortable talking to Ceasar which I found weird considering her normal shyness.

The door opened finally and I stepped onto the stage. I plastered on a fake smile and strode to the seat. I shook Ceasars hand and sat.

"So," he began," what is the most different thing about the Capitol from where you lived in district 11?"

Oh shoot. I had to lie. I acted like I was thinking then answered, "the beds are weird. Mine has a remote that controls what it smells like and the color of the sheets. At home I just slept on a bed."

"Ok. Next question, are you doing these games for somebody special?" Ceasar inquired.

"Well, back home I have a girlfriend named Annabeth..." I said awkwardly.

"Ah well, I hope Annabeth sends love. Now, what in the games would be your weapon of choice?" He contiued

"I prefer a sword, but I can am throw a spear, use a knife, and have a small ability in hand to hand."

"Well!" Ceasar said. "You seem like a force to be reckoned with! Also, an evaluation score of 10! Wow!"

The questions went on like this for a solid two minutes and the I was back in the halls again.

This was it. Tomorrow the games would happen whether the time machine was done or not.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now