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I watched as slowly almost all the districts were called to be evaluated. I kind of went into this kind of panic attack. I had to sit on a bench. With my ADHD I could hardly go a minute without spazzing out. I could see that Rue was struggling as well, but she was good at hiding it. You would only see how hard sitting still was for her if you were extremely good at reading facial expressions.

"Percy Jackson! District 11!" came the voice I had been anticipating for like 2 hours. I got up and crossed the room to the training room doors. I could feel 3 pairs of eyes trained on my back. Suddenly I stopped and turned, I wrapped Rue in a hug. While whispering in her ear.

"Show them what you can do," I whispered. Then I stood straight, smiled and rushed through the double doors.

I could clearly see that the game makers were not paying attention...ok...time fore some gusto! I wish Leo were here.

"Percy Jackson in the house!" I yelled getting the people's attention. I walked over to the dummies and pulled them to the center of the room I positioned six in a semicircle around me.

Then I went over to the sword rack and carefully, making sure nobody saw pulled out my pen. Instantly riptide grew to it's full length and I sauntered over to the judges.

"Watch closely!" I yelled. I then turned towards the dummies one by one I hacked their heads of adding a little more flare each time at the last one I chopped the head but then just as I planed, the head stumps on the dummies gushed water and I then conducted that water to form the shape of a sword slashing a dummy. Then the water came cascading down and I took a bow. Promptly I hustled out leaving the critics to wonder just how I had done that.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now