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Today was the day.

Today the games would start.

The time machine wasn't finished.

I got up to Rue shaking me awake. It was about six in the morning and I am not a morning dude. I practically rolled out of bed and was walking towards the bathroom when I remembered what that day was and my eyes shot open. I was definitely awake then.

I walked purposefully into the bathroom and changed quickly. I brushed my teeth and sprinted out to the table. Rue, my mentor, and our stylists were all sitting there with glum looks. I guess they were probably expecting another failure like Rue said they did every year.

"Please Sit and eat a lot Hon," my stylist said. Well that would be no problem for me. "this may be the only food you get in a while."

I wolfed down 3 pancakes,a plate of scrambled eggs, some French toast, and some bacon.

I saw Rue shoot a glance at me.

"I'm done," I said, as I stood up.

"Me too," Rue said a bit after.

I walked down the hall towards my room as the girl followed. I entered my room and Rue came and sat on my bed.

"Ok," I said while closing the door.

"I have a plan," Rue stated. I looked at her expectantly. "when you enter the arena the pedestals are evenly spaced around the cornucopia. You will go to the cornucopia, grab a medium sized pack and then run. If you need to kill somebody do it," she said frankly. "I will run as fast as I can and hide..."she continued. "the only thing I can't think of is how will you find me?"

"I can sense you," I spoke," its a demigod thing."

I folded my arms around her and she hugged back silently. There really were no words of encouragement that would help now. The old "good luck" and "kick but" sayings were nothing here.


We were heading down to a boarding area of a hover jet. Our group was with us until we entered the craft. Rue took my hand and looked up into my eyes.

As we stepped on the ship we were escorted by peacekeepers to an area with seats. We sat down and strapped ourselves in. A lady in a white frock came around and one by one injected each person with a needle.

"These are trackers," She said. "they will tell us your exact location as you move around the arena.". Most of the tributes reacted to the large needle. when she got to Tobias and Tris they didn't even flinch. As the injected the tracker int my arm I tensed up.

I felt the ship start to ascend. It landed and the tributes promptly exited. A pair of peacekeepers escorted me down a white hallway with dim lights and to a small room with a tube in the center. My mentor was there and she smiled.

"Once you get up to the arena you cannot step of your pedestal or you will be blown to bits." she said. "Do you have anything in your pockets?"

I reluctantly reached down into my coat pocket and grabbed Riptide. I handed it to her and she placed it on the table behind her.

"30 seconds until entrance," a voice on the speaker said. I walked into the tube and instantly the glass slide around me to enclose me.

My eyes focused on riptide. I willed the pent to return to my pocket and after a few seconds and some hard concentration I felt the familiar weight of my weapon.

"10, 9, 8,7,6," the machine began.

I felt myself rising


Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now