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(A/n) I am going to do a point of view of the beginning if the games for Percy and Tobias. It will seem like your going back in time. just bear with me.


I squinted as I was raised into the bright morning air. I glanced around. All the tributes were positioned in a circle, each on a pedestal. I looked to my right and saw Rue. To my left I saw Katniss. I looked forward and saw an amazing sight.

In the center of the circle of tributes was a giant gold cornucopia. Like Piper's but gold. Inside it were crates filled with weapons, food, and supplies. there were also packs scattered around the area, with the largest near the cornucopia, and the puny ones closer to the edge of a thick forest.

I spotted a good sized one not far from where I stood. I already had a weapon so I decided to stay away from the cornucopia.

I looked up when I heard a voice.

"Welcome to the 74th hunger games!" came the voice of president snow. he gave a short speech and the a voice began to count down from 60. I zoned out for most of it.






Boom. a common shot rang and I practically flew off my pedestal. I was dashing towards the pack I had decided on when another tribute approached me. I turned to her and pulled out my sword quickly.

The mist around her cleared and I saw her true form of an emposa. She lunged at me with her fangs bared, but obviously she hadn't fought many demigods recently because I easily slashed her in half with my sword.

She disintegrated to a pile if yellow dust. The mist reshrouded her and she looked like a normal girl again, but cut in half. I turned on my heel and started running.

I entered the forest and my demigod senses instantly went wild. I sensed a large river running through the arena... good.

The second thing I sensed was Rue. As I ran deeper into the trees I could sense her getting closer to me.

My internal detector went wild as I approached a large oak tree. I stopped and looked around myself. I couldn't se anybody. I walked around the tree four times before I heard a hiss.

"Psssst," I looked upwards towards the sound and saw Rue about forty feet up the tree. I smiled and she motioned for me to come up.

My practice on the camp climbing wall payed off as I quickly climbed the branches. As I came to the point where Rue sat I swung myself up and sat on a branch.

"I found you," I said as I pulled off the pack.

"First things first lets see what you got," she stated.

I pulled the pack opener and began to take a mental inventory. Inside we found four flasks and a bottle of water purifier. There was a package of cookies, a can of soup, and 2 apples. There was also a knife, a coil of rope, a sleeping bag, and lastly a...stuffed bear?

I mean nothing against teddy bears and stuff but why is it here?

"It's a hint," Rue said, almost reading my mind.

She began to climb downwards, clutching the bear in one hand, and I watched her closely. Then she disappeared into the side of the tree. I quickly stuffed our items back in the bag, and followed her path down.

When I got down to the place where she disappeared I found a large hollow with her inside. These were usually made by ...bears. oh. I got it then.

Annabeth told me that. Gods I missed her. I couldn't think about Annabeth right now. I had to focus on surviving.

I wasn't worried about surviving though.

I've done it plenty of times.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now