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Alright, so over the past couple days I asked you all to submit questions for different characters. In an interview style process, I'm going to be answering them for you. If you aren't interested in this kind of stuff, don't worry, the trailer for Season 2A's finale is coming up tomorrow.

Inali, do you think Walela is safe?

Inali: I don't know how to answer that question. Is Walela ever safe? The answer generally speaking is no. Don't get me wrong, that girl knows how to handle herself, better than I can anyway. It's hard to let her go, especially when I know how dangerous it is here. Walela is never safe, and I know I can't protect her even when I try.

What would your Fear Run look like, Alex?

Alex: Do you expect me to answer that honestly? I barely even know what that is, but from what Inali tells me, I don't want to think about it.

Harry, why do you love Alex?

Harry: Now that's a loaded question. There are far too many reasons to begin. He's smart, he's kind, and he pretends not to care but he cares so much. Alex wouldn't admit it to himself, let alone me, but he's very vulnerable. Fear has a way of wrapping itself around his heart until he becomes blind. I don't love him because he's perfect, but I love him because he isn't.

What was the turning point in your relationship?

Harry: When he kissed me, I guess. I hadn't seen it coming. I had liked him the whole time I knew him, maybe half a year but I don't know exactly how time works around here. It was my understanding he wasn't into boys. There was no turning point in the sense of when did I realise he was different, but in the sense of I realised he liked me back.

When was the moment you knew you liked Charlie, Pan?

Pan: What makes you think I like her?

Charlie, why do you feel so attached to Max?

Charlie: If I knew I'd answer. Maybe it's because Max is the first boy I met here. Or perhaps its because he's younger than me, and kinder than me, and everything I aspire to be. Max is just a boy; he's innocent. I feel like he's my responsibility anyway. If he gets involved in this war, I hope he's alright. Not just physically, but mentally, I don't know what I'd do if he dies.

Maybe it's because when he smiles, his eyes crinkle in the same way that Brea's do when she is laughing.

This is for the author. Do you get sad killing off so many characters, or are you a mini George R R Martin who kills with glee?

Can my answer be both? See, some characters I create with the express intention of killing them off, but others it's a flash decision.

With Jared, for example, I was going to have Samuel kill him during the Night Hunt back in Season 1A, but I just couldn't do it. I ended up killing off Samuel instead, easily might I add, because not only did I like what it set Charlie up for more, but because I couldn't kill of Jared. Jared was such a hard death for me anyway, in fact I almost kept him alive when I killed him.

Another hard death for me was Keaton. I had planned his death, and was done with his character's arch, but I wanted to keep him. I love his character way more than I should, but just had to off him.

Lyle was easy though, a split decision but easy. Same goes for Thomas, who I only decided to kill off mainly because I was bored. All the conspirators were easy as well. Sometimes I struggle not to kill people. Like, I just wanted Charlie to kill Johnny and Gregory, but had to hold myself off. Which was difficult.

One of the deaths I wrote for this finale, was a person I had been planning to kill off for a while, was possibly the worst death I wrote. Not because it was hard, but because it gave me the willies. You'll see what I mean soon enough.

Actually, everything that happens this finale is much darker than the others. You'll have to wait and see why.


Have any more questions? Feel free to comment or shoot me a message at any point. The whole reason I write this is for you, so if you want to tell me anything, from what you like, what you hate, what confuses you, what you wish I'd do, what you want me to do yet, who's your favourite character, what's your favourite scene, please don't hesitate to talk to me. Without an audience, what's the point in publishing.

For now, stay excited, and I'll see you tomorrow.

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