Chapter 5

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Ty's P.O.V

Crystal and I are on a border patrol with Rosalia and Spiderleg.

"Ok, so I need to mark this border and Snowclaw, you mark the Windclan border." Spiderleg meows. After he marks the border and leads us towards the Windclan border when I hear a rustling sound behind me. I turn around and see a mouse nibbling on a seed. I go down in a hunters crouch and pounce on it, when I hear a growl behind me.

"Prey stealer!" It hisses. I turn around and see a black and white tom.

"Why are you stealing our prey?" It asks.

"I'm not. I found a mouse and-"

"You found a mouse on our territory and decided to go after it!" It hisses.

"I didn't know! I'm sorry!" I say and back up into Thunderclan territory.

"Yeah you better back up kittypet." He growls and turns back around.

"I'm not a kittypet." I hiss and jump on him. He yowls and turns around and pins me down.

"TYLER!" I hear Crystal yell. Oh no. The cat gets off me and I get up.

"What are you doing?" Crystal growls.

"Tell your mate to stop stealing our prey and to stay off our territory." The cat growls.

"First off, he's my littermate, and second there's no need to attack him Crowfrost." Crystal annoyingly meows.

"He attacked me first!" Crowfrost hisses.

"I'll talk to him about it. I'll tell Bramblestar to punish him too" Crystal says.

"Good." Crowfrost growls and walks away.

"So. What happened after we walked away?" Crystal asks angerly.

"I found a mouse and went after it. I didn't realize I was in their territory." I explain. Crystal sighs.

"Just be careful next time. Oh, and why did you attack the DEPUTY?" Crystal hisses. Oh great.

"He called me a kitt-"

"I don't care if he called you anything! Attacking him because he called you a name is not a reason! The only reason to attack them is if they attack you first. We don't provoke fights. Got that?"  Crystal explains angerly. I nod my head slowly.

"I still have to tell Bramblestar about this when we get back. Now come on, we need to catch up with Rosalia and Spiderleg." She says and runs off. I sigh and run after her.

====== Authors Note ======

I have nothing important to say so Hi!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you warriors later!


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