Chapter 16

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Crystal's P.O.V

Why is Ty coughing so much? I look up at him sleepily and realize that we slept a whole night by the lake. Oh Starclan! Bramblestar's gonna be mad!

"Ok, that's not a hairball. You've been coughing all nig-Oh no."

"What?" Ty asks weakly.

"1; We slept here all night

2; You more than likely have Whitecough. Come on, you need to get to camp." I meow and help him up. He leans on me all the way back to camp.

"Dude, what happened?" Sabrina asks as she walks up to us.

"Ty's sick. I need to take him to the medicine den." I say and lead him over to Jayfeather's den.

"Another one?" Jayfeather asks grumply. I nod. He sighs.

"Put him in that nest over there and I'll treat him." He says and points his tail over to the back of the den. I nod and lead Ty over to the end of the den and set him in the nest.

"Listen to Jayfeather please." I whisper in Ty's ear and leave the den.

"Berrypaw! I need to speak with you in my den." Bramblestar meows sternly as I walk into the clearing. Uh oh. I head up the path to Highledge and follow Bramblestar into his den, where Lionblaze and Squirrelflight are sitting.

"Where were you this morning? I also noticed that Snowclaw was not in camp. Care to explain why?" Bramblestar interrogated me.

"Where I was, I was at the lake. Snowclaw and I accidentally fell asleep there when I said I wanted to take a walk." I explain.

"Why was Snowclaw with you?" Lionblaze asks.

"I told him he wasn't supposed to be out of camp, but he still went with me." Bramblestar sighs.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again." He says. I nod.

"I promise."

"You're dismissed." Bramblestar says.

====== Authors Note ======

This chapter didn't upload the last part, so now I decided to upload it.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you warriors later!


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