Chapter 25

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Crystal's P.O.V

Ugh! I can't sleep! I'm also very thirsty. I'll go get some milk. I get up and head over to my door, only to trip over something fluffy. I make a loud thump as I land on the ground. That must've woke Mitch up.

"Hi! Can you let me out? I'm hungry!" Sassy complains. Am I hearing things? 

"Did you just? Am I hearing things?" I ask, confused.

"No. This is ur new power." Someone says. I turn around and see a blue/gray cat.

"Bluestar? I thought you only visited in dreams?" She shakes her head.

"Nope. Visions too. Everyone has the power to talk to animals now." Bluestar explains.

"Ok. This'll actually be useful." I say and look at Sassy. Bluestar nods.

"Anyways, enjoy your new power!" She meows and disappears. Ok then.

"Come on Sas, let's get you a bowl of milk." I say and head out of the room and towards the kitchen. I open the fridge and get the gallon of milk, and as I open the cupboard to get a bowl and cup, I feel something tickle my neck and I scream in surprise, instantly covering my mouth. I turn around and see Mitch, basically dying of laughter. I glance at the stove clock and see it's 2:26 in the morning.

"Mitchell! It's 2:30 in the morning!" I whisper yell.

"Sorry, I heard a thump underneath my room and that woke me up, then I seen you so I had to come up and scare you." Mitch whispers back.

"Are we having a whisper party here? Because I want my milk." Sassy whispers. Mitch looks at her with his mouth wide open.

"D-di-did she just talk?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah, scared me too." I say as I pour milk into a bowl and put it on the counter for Sassy.

"She's not supposed to be on the counter." Mitch says. I put my finger up to my lips.

"Shh. She has permission from meh." I say. Suddenly, a black and white cat jumps onto the counter next to Sassy.

"Bonnie? Why are you out here?" I ask.

"I heard the milk carton." She meows as she drinks out of the bowl.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed. I promised Jerome I would do some challenges with him later today." Mitch says and kisses me. I kiss him back.

"Night." I say.

"Night!" He says as he heads upstairs.

====== Authors Note ======

This is the last chapter of this book, but, look out for another book tomorrow!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this book and I'll see you warriors later!


Dimensions Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora