Chapter 22

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Crystal's P.O.V

"Who wants to read it?" I ask everyone.

"I will!" Adam meows. I smack the book over towards his direction and he catches it.

"It says:
'Dear MineCrafted,
Yes, you are stuck in that dimension, and some of you are wanting out. So, at half moon, I will set up a portal at the gathering place exactly at moonhigh. It will collapse after all 16 of you go through it. It will be added to your guy's portal house so you can visit anytime.
Your friend,
Notch.'" Adam reads.

"So we have 2 weeks left here?" Ty asks. I nod.

"So let's make the best of it."

====== Time Skip ======

"Honeypaw! Time for training!" I yowl.

"Coming Berrytail!" Honeypaw meows and runs out of the apprentices den moments later.

"Ambermoon! Want to take Leafpaw out with us so they can train together?" I ask.

"Sure." Ambermoon responds.

"Yay! We get to train together!" Leafpaw chirps to Honeypaw.

====== Authors Note ======

Short chapter, I apologize.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you warriors later.


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