Chapter 7

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Crystal's P.O.V

"Ok, copy what I do on me then try it on Stormpaw." Lionblaze instructs. We've been training since sun high and it's almost dusk. But training is really fun. Way better than basketball. Lion blaze jumps, kicks his hind legs in the air, twists, then lands on Bramblestar's back. 

"Now you try." Lionblaze meows. I jump, kick my hind legs in the air, and fail at the twist and fall into my stomach.

"That was pretty good for the first try. Stormpaw, you try." Bramblestar instructs. Rosalia jumps up, kicks her hind legs, twists, and almost lands on Bramblestar's back, but instead slides off.

"That was awesome Stormpaw!"

"You guys keep practicing and after you practice it on each other, we'll head back to camp and you can get something to eat then rest." Bramblestar instructs.

====== Time Skip ======

"How'd you guys do?" Quentin asks as he walks up to us.

"We still have to work on it, but overall, I think we did pretty well." Rosalia says and looks at me. I nod.

"That's good to hear. Berrynose wants me to practice my hunting with him and Mousewhisker so I'll see you two around." Quentin says. He licks Rosalia on the head then walks off.

"You two are a perfect couple."

"I know." Rosalia smiles.

====== Authors Note ======
Hello warriors!

I actually got writers block on this chapter for a couple of hours lol.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you warriors later!


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