Chapter 1: Love

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                   Jackie was sitting on her floral bench that sat next to her window. She was spending time sketching pictures in her sketching art book. She drew picture after picture out of boredom. However, all of the pictures seemed to become him, especially his face. He was planted all inside her sketch book. She couldn’t get him out of her head. He is her best friend and had been since middle school but lately she had wanted their relationship be more. However, she was too afraid to tell him to his face. She also didn't want to ruin their relationship. The more she thought of him though the more she yearned for his touch. It lately had begun to drive her nuts. She then thought to herself it would never happen between them so she just sighed as she thought to herself ‘hopeless dreams Jackie’ as she got up slowly to go to bed as she sat the sketch pad in the place where she sat.

                Then, she heard a rock gently hit the window and landed a knew onto the bench and bent over looking out of her window to see a guy standing there as the day was turning to night. He was about 6 feet tall with black hair, brown eyes, and a guitar hanging from his neck. It was her best friend Todd. She smiled and opened the window and she asked, “What are you doing here so late?”

               “Well, I wrote a new song and needed someone to play it to. I need you to tell me the truth and know you will tell me whether it’s good or just sucks,” he said laughing. "Plus do I ever need an excuse to want to see you? He said smiling.

              She looked at him with a happy expression on her face and said, "Nope," and then added “Hopefully it’s good. So lets her it then,” she said as she leaned against her window getting comfy and watched him start to play. When he played she became mesmerized and couldn’t stop watching his hand move across the strings as she was listening to a pretty melody. However, in her mind she was probably a little bias on that.

****music playing on the guitar filled the air***

             He eventually stopped about three minutes later and then looked up to me with a questioning look on his face. I knew he wanted my opinion and trying to be without being bias because I am sure whatever he done or played I would love. I started, “Well… was pretty good but I think you need to work on it just a little bit more at the end.”

             He sighed to himself and then smiled up at her, “Well at least you’re honest so I don’t embarrass myself in front of others. I think I will work on it and then try it out on you again. But this guitar playing is just for fun you know. I found it in my house laying up against the wall collecting dust. It was my dad's and he said I could try it out. So I am just trying stuff out trying to find my niche you know," he said as I nodded. I understood. I wish I knew where I would fit in myself. I think I'm just splattered into all groups. He then said, "You’re so good at everything.”

           She started to laugh, "Are you crazy? I’m not that good at anything. I think your just being too nice to me Todd.”

            He started to join in laughing himself, “Well to me you’re great at everything. So what were you doing before I showed up?”

           "I dont know. I was just drawing about ten minutes ago. Doodling and stuff…was about to go to bed.”

           “See another thing you’re amazing at is drawing," he said smiling like a chesure cat. Then, adding, "But I am sorry if I kept you up,” he said as his expression turned into a frown as he seemed a  little upset with himself.

           “It’s okay," I said looking around at the outside. "It’s only twilight so I’m good and it’s always nice to see my best friend no matter what time it is. However, if you try to wake me up at like in the middle of the night I can’t say I will be so kind,” as she joked.

          Todd started to laugh, "Yeah I would be the same way. Plus sleeping beauty needs her rest right?" He said winking at me and I just smiled at him. “Well okay Jackie I am going to go. It is always good and nice to always see you too Jackie," he said as he turned around heading to his house across the street. He walked about five feet then turned back around, "See you tomorrow at school.”

        “See you tomorrow, Todd,” Jackie said as he turned back around leaving and waving goodbye behind him. When he was not visible anymore she got out of the window and closed it shut as the cold air sent a shiver. She ran over and jumped onto her bed laying there covering herself up with her large pink comforter. She then sighed in a dreamy voice ‘Isn’t he magnificent’. After lying there for only a few minutes she fell sound asleep to the thoughts of him. As he once again invaded her dreams.

       She was in the high school and in front of their lockers as she grabbed her books for her first class. Todd was right beside her talking to her however she wasn't paying attention. She was thinking as he mind was still driving her nuts and wanted her to tell him the truth. Jackie finally gave up on the fight against her heart and her mind so she finally decided to tell him the truth. As she heard bits and pieces of what he was saying she caught only the fact that he was talking on and on about sports like a typical guy. I decided 'eh not really that important of a conversation sports is' so I finally decided to just interrupt him due to I wanted, no I needed, to get this off of my chest. “Todd," I said as he looked at me and stopped his conversation. 

        "yes Jackie?" He asked questionably.

        After I minute I mumbled, "Well...umm..I want to say something and it’s not easy but...well.”

        “What is it Jackie? Just spit it out. Were best friends,” Todd said noticing my discomfort.

         “Well it is just that we have been best friends for what seems like forever right," she started and he nodded as she continued. "Well in my mind I believe you are so amazing and well I got to tell you the truth." I said stopping as I choked out the words "I’m falling in love with you.”

         I waited for a second for him to respond but Todd seemed to of froze as I shook his shoulder saying, “Todd are you okay? Todd. Todd. I’m sorry it’s a big bombshell but...”

        Then, “Beep Beep Beep Beep,” she heard and then opened her eyes and took in a deep breath.

        “It was just a dream,” she said lightly as she took in a deep breath. "Wow, that was crazy," Jackie thought and leaned over as she thought to turn off the annoying alarm going off in her ear. She then turned around to turn her alarm clock and pushed the top button to off as her eyes seemed to come into focus from being a little groggy she saw a big 9:15 flashing in front of her. “Omgosh I’m going to be late!” Then hurried to get ready. She was glad that she had her clothes already picked out as she put them on and quickly ran down stairs and out the door. It was a good thing she lived only a few houses down from the school so she ran until she got in through the front doors and signed in at the front desk and got a tardy slip as she then headed straight to class.

       “Well thanks for joining us Ms. Black,” Mr. Carpenter said as I walked through the door. I just ignored him and headed to my seat by Todd. Then he said, “Pass Ms. Black” holding out his hand. She forgot as she walked back up and handed him the slip for being late. “Thank you,” he said and returned back to the class and she walked down to the desk by Todd.

      “There you are!," he said as his face turned to one of relief. "I was worried about you when you didn’t show up,” Todd said.

      “Sorry, I just overslept,” saying while pulling out her notebook for class.

      “Ohh was that my fault? Didn’t mean to come over so late.” He said feeling a little guilty I could tell through his actions.

       “No it wasn't your fault Todd. It was just my alarm didn’t go off. Not your fault at all.” Then that ended that subject and we started to actually pay attention on class that they were in.

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