Chapter 3: First Date

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         The next day at school Todd came up to Jackie at her locker right before their first class. “Hey girlfriend,” he said smiling and a smile ran across Jackie’s face.

        “Hey,” I answered happily.

       “Well what do you think about you and me doing something tonight?” He said with a smirk on his face and looked at me.

       “Like what,” I questioned and wondered happily.

      “How about it is a surprise!” Todd said to me waiting for my reply.

      “Todd, you know how much I hate surprises,” I told him but was up for anything with him.

      “Well it is going to be one. So are you up for tonight?” He asked.

      'Oh well who cares if it's a surprise as long as I'm with Todd' I thought to myself. “Sure why not. What’s better than to spend the night with my guy,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his small waist and got on my tippy toes to give him a peck on the cheek. He smiled.

       “Ring ring ring ring,” the bell went off for first period.

       “Looks like we got to go to class,” I said as I unwrapped my arms and put my hand in his.

       “Well, Miss Black, let’s go then,” he said as they both laughed at the old fashioned manner.

       Today, school had passed by so quickly and by the time I got home and done some homework. I looked at the clock and it was saying 5pm and it was almost time for my first real date with Todd. I couldn’t figure out what to wear for I sure as hell didn’t know where we were going. So I didn’t know the appropriate attire. “Grr, forget it," I said, "I will just throw something on,” as I put on a halter top and a jean skirt. Then, I heard someone knock on the door. I went to answer the knocking at the door and opened it. It was Todd standing there in a black t-shirt and pants and a bouquet of a few roses. “Hey Todd,” I said happily.

      “Hey sweetheart. Here these are for you,” he said as he handed her the flowers.

      “Aww you’re too sweet,” she murmured

      “Are you ready to go?” he asked as I nodded.

      “Yes,” I said as I went and grabbed my small purse off the table and went to Todd's car.

       "Where are we going?" I asked as I got into the passenger side of his car.

       “Didn’t I say that was a surprise and can you put this on,” he said as he handed me a blindfold.

       “Ugh do I have to.” I asked.

       “Yes you do,” he laughed. “Don’t you trust me?”

       “Yeah,” I said as I put it on and he started to drive off.

       “Well? so you can't see anything right?" he asked as I nodded.

       “Nope can’t see anything. Not even you,” I said pouting a little. He went in and surprised me by a kiss. I smiled largely, “Are we almost there?”

      “Actually we are in about 2 minutes,” he said. I then felt as he turned into a rocky drive way.

      “Can I take my blindfold off yet?” I asked pleadingly.

      “Nope,” he said laughing. He got out and opened her side of the door and reached to get her and helped her get out of the car. “I got to get something out of the trunk so stay right here.” He said as she nodded. “Okay,” he said as he returned back to her and put his arm interlocked into hers. “Let’s walk and I will make sure you won’t fall. Just hold onto me,” he said as he walked.

      “Okay. I trust you. Hold on to you? Be my pleasure,” I said happily and finally after walking for a little bit Todd stopped.

     “Sweetheart, you can take off your blindfold now,” he said. I took it off but still kept a hold of him as I looked around. Then, a slight chill passed through me.

     “Were in a cemetery!! How unusual and a little creepy I must say honestly. Do you come here often?” I asked curiously to him.

      “Every now and then. I wanted to make it a date you will remember. So..,” he said lifting the picnic basket, I just now noticed, that was in Todd’s hand, “I thought a picnic. Hope that’s okay with you.”

       “I’m good. As long as I’m with you,” I said smiling as they got the blanket out and laid it by the trunk of a tree.

       “I got your favorite food…some pizza, Dorito chips, and some lemonade,” he said as he seen a smile appear across my face running ear to ear.

      “Wonderful!! Todd you are so great and know me so well.” I said happily.

       “I know sweetheart. That’s why were so perfect for each other,” he said as they sat down and ate.

       “Is there any particular reason you chose a cemetery?” I questioned wondering.

       “Well now that you know my secret I just wanted for you to see all I am. I enjoy coming here and sitting for a while. There’s just something about an old cemetery. Maybe that’s just the vampire in my part,” he said laughing.

      “Maybe. Well I am enjoying this. Even though I usually don’t hang out in cemeteries. I would do anything for you though,” I said as she gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

     “Thanks sweetheart for that and I would do anything for you,” he said smiling. “So are you ready to go?”

     “Yeah but can we visit a grave first on the way to the car?” I asked.

     “Sure sweetheart whatever you want.” They packed up their stuff and started walking down the small hill and through the cemetery towards the car then we stopped.

     “Right here. Todd this is where my grandparents were buried. I miss them terribly,” I said as one tear came down her cheek as Todd wiped it off. “I love you mama and pawpaw. This is my boyfriend Todd. I’m glad we got to come and visit you. See you later,” I said as if they were really there and started back to the car again.

    “Thank you so much for the wonderful date and can’t wait for many more with you,” I said smiling.

    “Ditto,” he said as she got into the car and he put the basket into the trunk and got into the driver’s seat. “I guess time to go home.”

    “Yeah I guess. I still have a little bit of homework to do. Ugh,” I said.

    “Well I am just glad you had a good time,” Todd said as he was driving and by no time he was at my house.

    “I did,” I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I will see you tomorrow.”

    "I will see you tomorrow," he said as I got out of the car and he started to drive off.

    As I was walking I thought, “That was like the best date I had ever had," I thought with a large smile across my face and could hear my heart a racing from tonight's events.

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