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               Paul and I built a house in the middle of the woods. It was a nice little white house with 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms. Paul built from his two hands with the occasional help from Todd of course. We had two dogs; one a Labrador and a poodle.

            Todd visited almost every day and loved to play with the kids. By now we had a son that was three and a daughter who was one. They were dhampirs in a way from my genes. Since I was always busy, Todd came and brought game for us to eat. However, I believed he done it on purpose just to visit the children. How well he did with them. I envied the way they fell fast asleep when he put them to bed.

            Me and Todd stayed close friends after all these years. Nothing had changed. He meant when he said he would always be there for me and he has been. He was a part of our family and even Paul considered him a brother.

            My life was perfect now and the best I could ever have imagined it could be and I even was expecting another child on the way. Todd said I had that glow in my face. I guess I did for I was so happy there was nothing that could hurt my life now. It was perfect and I wouldn’t of changed a thing.  

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