Chapter 13: Dilemma

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            It was quiet for a few seconds in the room until I shrieked a little loud, “Really! I am a vampire,” I said happily.

            Todd looked at me oddly and wondered what was running through my mind. Who would be happy to be a vampire? He thought to himself ‘I would be horrified if I was her. In fact I believe I was when my adopted parents told me. Maybe her mind is scrabbled up or something’. “Jackie? Umm I don’t understand your act of happiness towards this news. I would think you would take it horribly,” he said wondering to my reply.

            “Todd well I know that would have been the normal gesture towards your news however you know I am not normal. I mean remember I first fell in love with a dhampir right?” I said laughing a tad.

            Todd couldn’t help but to laugh with me. I guess for he hadn’t heard me laugh in days or weeks even. Then Mr. and Mrs. Black came in, my parents, and asked, “What’s the commotion in here? We came to the door and heard you all laughing. It sounded so pretty to my ears Jackie to hear your voice again.” Mrs. Black said as she smiled.

            “Look mom and dad, I’m all better all thanks to Todd,” I said as she looked at Todd and smiled. Then my parents came running to my side to give me a hug.

            “I know sweetie. He really cares for you don’t he. He’s always been like part of the family,” Mrs. Black said as she winked at Todd and Todd just smirked back.

            As I watched my vitals they started to go up and returning to normal then a doctor came in and pushed his way through all three of them and headed to my bed and looked surprisingly at me with large eyes. “Well miss, this is a remarkable recovery,” he talked as he was checking her all over. “You seem fine and I’m glad for this boy over here was about to go bonkers if you didn’t recover,” he said grouchily. I just looked over at Todd and smiled. “Well as far as I know you’re good to go this afternoon. I will go and start on the discharge papers,” he said as he left the room.

            “Yay I get to go home,” I said.

            Everybody smiled happily and thought ‘thank goodness’. Later that afternoon the doctor came back in with the papers and said, “Here you all go. You are ready to leave,” he said as I practically jumped out of the hospital bed. The doctor's nurse handed me the papers and walked straight back out of the room and Todd gave me a bag of clothes to put on. I went straight into the room's bathroom and hurrily changed into a yellow tank top, pair of jean shorts, and flip flops. I walked out with a smile on my face with only Todd and me left in the room.

            “Your parents went to go get the car and bring it around to the front,” he said as I nodded and started walking as Todd put his arm around my shoulders. I didn’t do anything but smile. Both of us walked out of her room door and into the hallway.

            As we walked down the hallway I kept thinking to myself ‘I’m thirsty and my throat is burning’ but tried to press the thought in the back of my mind. However it seemed as every second passed the feeling got stronger and I started to feel weak. I smelt a new smell to I had never smelled before and curiously wondered what it was. It seemed to be something kind of salty and kind of hard to make out. I looked up at Todd with a weird expression as he stopped in his tracks and asked, “What’s wrong?” worried.

“I feel so thirsty and my throat feels like it’s on fire,” I said trying to swallow.

“Well we will get you something to drink while we get downstairs, okay?” he said and I nodded to him agreeing he was right about me needing just some water and we kept walking.

However, the more I walked and was around people the worse I seemed to feel until we passed a stand with a few blood bags on it. Then, without thinking I started to run and Todd ran after me wondering why i was running. I unthinkingly grabbed a bag and started to tear the top and about started to scarf it down as Todd ripped the bag right out of my hands. “Hey!” I said angrily. “I was going to drink that. I’m so thirsty,” I said as I looked at the bag of blood in Todd’s hands then slid down the side of the wall. “Omgosh was I just. Just about to drink that?”

Todd nodded reluctantly. “Yes Jackie, I should have figured what it meant when you said you were thirsty. I knew the feeling..,” he said as he crouched down in front of me and held my hands. “Well when I was young I can remember those episodes where I would be surrounded by people and thirsty as hell but I suppressed it and well after a few years I managed to control it.”

“Well why didn’t you drink blood then?” I asked.

“Here’s the thing Jackie if you take a drink of human blood it completes the transformation and you will become a full blooded vampire on frenzy for that same taste. Murdering people all over the place and doing crazy things to just get a sip,” he said looking down.

“Like Jasper?” I said knowingly and understanding what he was saying.

He lifted his face and looked into her my, “Yes like him. I will help you control your thirst if you will just let me help and not push me away. Even though I know you will want to.”

I nodded, “Okay I know. I don’t want to be a monster.” I said understanding her dilemma. “How about animal’s blood? You’ve drank that.”

“Yes you can drink animal blood but it barely even touches the point to satisfy your taste. However it is a little part in helping to control it,” Todd answered.

“Okay then. I understand. I don’t know how I’m going to do this but I will. I know you will help me. I’m not as strong as you but I will try,” I said getting up and Todd got up after me.

We started walking down the hallway and he got me a water out of the pop machine. “This should help,” he gave her the bottle as she opened it and drank it all in a few seconds quenching her thirst for now. Todd looks straight into my eyes and said, “Plus Jackie you can and will control this. You can do anything. You’re the strongest person I know. If anyone can do it then it would be you,” saying smiling at me.

I couldn't help but smile back and said, “Thank you,” while blushing a bit. “Come on Todd lets both go home,” I said as he nodded and walked downstairs and to the car. My parents dropped Todd off at his house as they drove on their way home. Once I got home she told her parents, “I love you both so much but I’m so tired so I’m going to go to bed. Okay?”

“Okay honey. We love you too so much,” they both said as they gave her a hug and I went upstairs and into her room running and jumped onto her bed and snuggled to her purple fuzzy pillow.

“Ahh, sleep,” I said as I closed her eyes. Then the phone went off in my jean pocket as I grabbed it and looked at it. A light was flickering saying one missed message and I opened it up. It was from Todd and read ‘Get some sleep tonight for tomorrow were going out ;)’ I read as I just smiled and laid back down and fell asleep about two minutes later.

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