Chapter 4: Secret Unleashed

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        Every single night of that week I spent all my time with Todd and was happy as ever. I could never think of anybody but him in this past week. He treated me like a princess and I loved it even though I didn't know what I did to deserve a guy like him.

       Todd had a date for us and took me to the movies. However, it was a scary one at that. “Todd you know I’m not much for scary movies.” I said anxiously as I was knew I would be practically hiding my eyes with my hands the whole time. 

       “They are my favorite," he said as he looked at me. My face must of looked scared at the idea for he then said, "Come on you will have fun. Plus if you get scared I’m right next to you. You can just cuddle up with me,” he said.

      “I believe your hoping for that,” I said with a giggle.

      “Hmm mayyybbee so come on,” Todd said as he could be so convincing to me.

      “Okay. As long as your there,” I said smiling at him. We went to the local cinema in town and like Todd said we watched a new scary movie that had just came out about a week ago. He did get his wish on me snuggling so close to him because I was scared to death but couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. When the movie finally came to the end I sighed with relief and said, “Thanks, now you scared me for life,” I said smiling with a little bit of joke.

      “Awe, well good thing I will be there to chase away all the vampires,” he said laughing.

      “Really?" I said laughing at his remark. "You promise me that my handsome boyfriend will chase away all scary harmful celestrial beings,” she said.

     “Okay I promise,” he said with a sense of seriousness.

     “Thank you Todd for a wonderful week," I told him and then thought, "Hey, you know what a good idea is? I think it’s time we told my mom.”

      He was nervous for a second but then calmed down and said, “If that’s what you want sweetheart,” he said as I smiled. We both got into the car and drove her home and both got out and walked into the house.

      Once they got inside the house I seen my mom sitting on the couch and said, “Mom I have some great news to tell you.”

     “What is it sweetie?” she said as she turned around. “Hi Todd.”

     “ and Todd are together!" I said almost squealing happy. "Isn’t that wonderful,” I asked loudly and happily.

     My mom finally replied, “Umm..yeah sweetheart. Congrats to the two of you. Will you excuse me I have some paperwork to do.,” her mom said as she hastily left the room.

      I looked at the direction she went and thought her actions were odd, “I wonder what’s up with her. Oh well I won’t let that ruin how happy I am,” I said as she turned to Todd and gave him a kiss.

     "Well sweetie, I have to go," he said as he eyed the clock syaing almost midnight. "It is getting kind of late." He said as he kissed me again and I nodded.

     After about an hour had passed I was sitting on my bed in my room finishing the last of my homework. That is when I heard a knock on my door. “Honey can I come in please,” my mother said.

      “Yes mother,” I said. She came in and sat on the edge of my bed as I moved my homework and turned to her. “What’s up?” For she never comes and talks to me like this. Like I said she was acting odd tonight.

      “Well, I need to tell you something and this is going to be a little hard but you need to know,” she said then sighed sadly. “I am happy for you and Todd but..," she said having trouble to continue. Then, finished with a quiet voice but loud enough for me to hear, "there’s a secret I’ve kept from you all these years and wished I told you sooner.”

     “What’s wrong mom?” I said wondering.

     “Did you know Todd was adopted?” My mother asked out of nowhere.

     “No,” I said as I shook my head wondering where she was going with this.

     “Well he is and his biological mother,” her mother said as she put her head down like she was ashamed.

     “Oh no you can’t. You’re just joking with me. Right?” I said astonished but knew she wouldn't of told me unless it was the truth. My mind was puzzled now more than ever.

    “No honey, I wish I was," she said with a sadness that overcame the room.

    “But mother, I love him and...," I said and then realized something, "what in the world...hes a dhampir too. So you can’t be.”

     “Yes I am," my mother said to me as she continued, "His father was my former lover before your father. For a while I didn’t know about his secret of him being a vampire. Then, he told me but it was too late I was already pregnant. As a young woman I didn’t know what to do so when I had the baby I gave him up for adoption but still kept check on him to see if he was alright. Then, I met your father and fell hard for him and about two years later I gave birth to a beautiful daughter,” she said as she twisted some of my hair between her fingers.

     “Mom I don’t know. I don’t know what to say or do. I love him so much,” I said while my voice was breaking with every word and was almost ready to cry.

     “You know what the right thing to do is. However I will leave you alone to let this all sink in. I’m sorry Jackie,” she said as she got up and kissed my forehead.

     “I know mom,” I muttered. She left my room leaving me on my bed to think. Thoughts were racing all through my head trying to understand. I started crying a little as I crashed my head onto my pillow sobering and then I started to really cry my eyes out. After about ten minutes I was so exhausted that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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