Chapter 6: New Guy

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       Todd hadn’t spoken to me for over a week. All he would ever say would be ‘hi’ and walk off. He has been staying completely to himself and it worried me. Plus, it made me felt so alone but also bad for him knowing she was the only one who knew what was wrong with him. I tried every time I could to talk to him but he just would push her away. I pleaded with him but no luck. He still wouldn't talk to me. I really missed my best friend dearly but I understood that maybe he needed time alone. But selfishly I felt lost without him around. It had reminded me of that one week a few years ago when he was missing. I just hoped Todd will talk to me soon. I guess the silence was killing me.

       It was Monday and I was by my locker as I grabbed the books I need from my locker. However, when I grabbed my science book it managed to of slipped out of my small fingers and onto the floor. I, aggravatedly, started to bend over to get it but someone else did. I hoped to myself that it was Todd but as I got up and looked up at his face it was someone else. A guy I had never even seen before.

     “Miss I believe you dropped this,” the guy said.

     “Yes I did and thank you,” I said as I went to close my locker and go to class. However he kept talking.

     “My name is Jasper. I am new here,” he said.

     “Hi Jasper," I said thinking no harm right. So I decided to introduce myself, "I’m Jackie,” I said as I looked at him with his brownish sculpted hair and his black shirt and tight black pants. ‘I must say’ I said to myself ‘he is hot.’ However, in that thought I had a feeling of betrayal towards Todd because he was the last guy I was with and I still cared for him very much but I knew in my heart we could never be able to be together so she needed to move on. ‘Jackie you need to move on’ I said trying to impower myself I said it repeatedly in my mind. “What’s your first class?” I asked innocently.

     “Umm…,” he said as he grabbed a folded schedule out of his pocket, “I have science. What do you have?”

     “Well what a coincidence I do too,” I said as I finally let a smile come across my face.

     “We can sit together than,” he said as he showed a brilliant smiled towards me. I felt chills run up my spine. I haven't felt that since I was with Todd. It felt weird but good at the same time.

     “Sounds like a plan," I said thinking due to Todd has been keeping his distance from me. "Let’s go now so we can beat the tardy bell,” I told him. He took his arm and held it to wait for me to let him escort me to class. I thought sweet and innocent and I needed to move on so I slowly put my arm around his and walked to science class.

        We walked in but Todd didn’t notice. He seemed like his mind was in another world and knowing right know what he’s going through he maybe. We sat towards the back, due to my request to be away from Todd, and once we sat down the teacher put on a boring movie. It was either watch the movie, boring, or talk to this hot guy sitting right beside me. I said, "Hey," and from then on we instead decided to talk to each other all class period.

       He was originally from Romania and he was about a year older than me. He liked to draw like I do and enjoy many of the same things. I thought to herself ‘Wow we have so many things in common’ as I started to fall a little for this handsome mysterious guy I had just met less than an hour ago. Then at the end of class I was a little sad and said, “Movie over. I guess we can talk so more tomorrow. I enjoyed talking to you.”

      “I liked talking to you too Jackie. A lady of quite beauty and intellectual as well,” Jasper said flirting slightly with me.

     I just blushed at his comment and replied, “Awe that’s sweet.” Then the class bell rang and said, “Well I got to go. Hope to see you later.”

     “Me too Jackie,” he said with a voice that made me swoon. Nothing like Todd's but it did work for me. We both got up and left class as Jasper held the door open for her.

     "Thank you," I said as he nodded and I went to my favorite class: history. As I instead of spending the class learning today I spent all class period thinking of Jasper.

     I later, she ran into Todd who spoke to her oddly, “Hey I seen you talking to the new guy during science. What’s up with you two?”

    “Nothing,” I said plainly.

    “It didn’t look like nothing,” he said slightly anger.

    “What if we were together? I mean we aren’t but there isn’t a law for me to date others for you know as much as I do we can’t ever be together. No matter how we feel,” I said sternly to him.

    He paused for a second then replied, “Ergh I know but…but I can’t stand seeing you with another man,” Todd said.

    “Well that’s your problem. Not mine," I said even though I knew it wasn't his fault totally. "You haven’t even talked to me in over a week,” I said hoping he would now open up and talk.

      “I’m sorry Jackie. I just can’t...I got to go,” he said as he hurried off like he done before. ‘Ugh I know you always got to go’ I thought to myself as I put up my books neatly back into my locker and then left for her house. As soon as I got home I didn't feel like doing nothing or being around anybody so I went straight to my soft, comfy bed and layed down. 'Ah comfy' I thought while laying on my bed and then thoughts of Jasper began to again occupy her mind. Until eventually I fell into a nice nap while dreaming of my new handsome friend.

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