Chapter 8: He Got Me

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       I tried to scream but Jasper put his finger in front of her lips with a pressure that kept them close. “Shh,” he said. “Well you can scream here really because nobody is going to hear you,” as he waved his hand out to let her view her surroundings and he let out a little evil laugh.

       “Let me go,” I said while struggled underneath his grasp.

       “Nope.” He smiled, “Never, did you know the way you smell? It's so mouthwatering.” He said as he took a whiff of her and started licking his lips.

      “You can’t do this. Jasper," I said as my voice was breaking for his hand was now at my neck and hitting against my vocal cords. "I thought you were my friend,” I tried begging with him. However, the only thing I got out of him was laughter. He was laughing?

       Jasper was laughing so hard he barely could speak until he eventually said clearly, "Vampires don’t have friends except other vampires, Jackie.” He said as he stroked my face and along my jawline while he shook his head, “So naïve.” He tried to give me a kiss but I turned my face out of anger. This guy wanted to kill me. He then grabbed my face in his strong hand so hard that it started to hurt and put her face facing his. “Don’t be stupid Jackie. Your life is in my hands,” he said with a little laugh.

       “Please Jasper let me go. I won’t tell anybody,” I tried to plead again but not working.

      “Mhmm you smell so good," he said as he took another smell of me. "I just want a little taste first,” he said as he lifted up my hand against my weak strength compared to his and cut his teeth into my wrist as I winced in pain. Then, he licked my wrist for a second and then pressed his lips on my lips as he began to drink for a second. After, he finished after a few seconds later he lifted his head back up with his lips covered in blood as he licked it off with his tongue. “You do taste as good as you smell,” he said as he smiled with blood stained teeth showing.

       I tried to twist out of his strong arms that were holding her hostage against the trunk of the tree but I was having no luck. “I will ask you one last time will you let me go. Please Jasper. A man as handsome as you wouldn’t want to kill someone as pretty as me.” I said batting her eyes and trying to reel him in into me until I could see I had a chance to make a run for it. Even though I didn’t know where I was I did knew positively that if I stayed here with Jasper then I was pretty much as good as dead.

       “Aww, are you smitten with me?” He said as he rubbed his fingers across her face and down her neck taking the bait. I thought vampires were smarter than that I thought and then proceeded in my plan to get away.

      “Hmm…maybe,” I said trying to lie the best I could. But before this that would have been true though I thought to herself. He gave me a kiss on the lips and then started trailing kisses down my neck. “Can you release me just a little Jasper,” I asked sweetly and innocently. “I can barely move in any way.” I said giving him a little sexy smile.

      “Just a little so you can do this,” and he took her face and pulled it to his as he kissed her so strongly that once he was finished I was dizzy for a second losing his grip on her. Then, I regained her step. As I started to take my hands and moved them up and down his solid rock hard abs.

      I pretended to be so into him so that he wasn’t paying attention. After a little time of inching a bit forward once I had enough room I kneed him and seen him fall. While he hung over in pain I started to run behind me and into the woods. I was running for my life as I was dodging cemetery tombstones. I glanced back to see his distance was behind me. I was in a good distance from him but it wasn't good enough so I started to run faster until I looked behind me to check again and ran into a tombstone and fell onto the ground as he caught up with me and grabbed me harshly off the ground.

     “You’re going to so pay for that Jackie,” he said as he started to rub his fingers over my neck where I could feel my ventral artery was throbbing and he opened his mouth wide. As he started to advance going for my neck I jumped to the sound of a car hurrily advancing upon us and we both stared into the distance.

      I thought to myself wondering who was in the car saying in my head ‘I bet that is more vampires to ravish in my blood bath’ as I felt deader than a cat in dynamite. I waited for a second. However, Jasper was stopped in his tracks, too. I looked at his face and he was startled. If they weren’t friends of his then who was it? I questioned myself as I kept staring in the same direction as Jasper as bright headlights came into view. I looked deep into the direction of them and finally saw who it was.

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