Chapter 14: Evil Me

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        I woke up in the middle of the night and rolled over to the other side of my bed. I just lay there and stared at the clock. I was reading in bright red the numbers saying 6:30pm.  After a few minutes, “Ugh why can’t I go back to sleep,” I said quickly to myself. After about ten minutes passed as I just laid there and then I got bored and decided to get up. I jumped onto my feet and turned my pink lamp on lighting my whole room as I walked over to the window and sat down on the bench by it and picked up my sketch pad where I last laid it at.            

            I settled ontot the bench as I got comfortable against the window sill and picked up the graphite pencil that was in the rings of the notebook and I started to draw. I didn't know what to draw until the thought of me as a vampire occupied my mind and thought 'hey i should draw a picture of myself in ‘vampire’ form out of curiosity with the fangs and everything'. So I did but when I finished I looked at it and flinched back a little because it kind of looked scary to me. So I kept drawing and drawing; flipping page after page with no satisfaction. Until I heard someone knock on my door. I looked at the clock across the room and it said 9am. I blinked thinking time passed by quickly as I heard someone knock on my door again, “Come in,” I said as I looked towards the door as somebody walked in.

            “Surprise Jackie," Todd said laughing, “it’s just me your best friend Todd. Was hoping you were up for remember we have a day out together,” he said walking over to me and sitting down right beside me on the bench as I flipped the sketch book closed. “So what have you been drawing?” He said as he grabbed it out of my hands before I could keep it shut. He flipped through the pages and smiled at the first ones that were of him. He looked at me and I just smiled. Then he came across the sketches I made this morning; there were about 20 or so of them. He looked at them as a face of mysterious came across his face. “Jackie what are these?” He asked.

            “Well...umm,” I tried to come up with an explanation but I knew he would see right through any lie I told so I told him so I just decided to tell him the truth, “I was just trying to draw myself...well as a vampire I guess. Hard to explain but yeah I look hideous and some even scared me when I finished them.”

            “Jackie, Jackie,” he said turning his head and leaning me back against his chest, “You are no monster. See all these pictures you drew. None of them are you. You are just to scaring yourself into the worse thoughts. You’re still pure and true inside even if you are now half vampire.”

            “But...but the fangs and stuff. I will look scary and plus what if I accidently lost control and slaughter the whole town. That isn’t pure and just. I might as well go to hell,” I said as I looked down at herself in disgust.

            “Jackie you know who you are?” Todd asked as he grabbed a mirror and held it up inches to my face, “See the girl in this mirror?," he said as I nodded. " All beautiful and wonderful who practically is perfect; almost heavenly I might even say. That’s who you are.” He took the sketch and flipped to a drawing showing me my comparisons, “You are not a monster.” I looked up at him nodding and understood some of what he was saying.

            “Okay I comprehend you Todd,” I said to him as I gave him a hug and layed against his chest for a second. Then, he looked down at me and I said, “Let’s get out of here for our day out. I need it desperately.” We both got up excitedly and headed out the door of my bedroom and down the stairs as fast as we could and said bye to my parents that were sitting on the couch.I stopped at the bottom of the stairs as Todd stopped behind me and explained that we were heading out for the day. They nodded to us and we both walked out of the door. We went and got into Todd’s car as he put the car into drive and started on the road. “So where are we going Todd?”

            “To the forest just a mile out of town,” he smiled, “were going to work on your control for human blood.”

            I looked at him, “Well that’s a great idea. You know though when I was around my parents I didn’t have a thirst for their blood?” I thought questionably.

            “Probably for their blood doesn’t entice you for it’s the same blood that makes up you,” Todd said keeping his eyes on the road.

            “Todd? What about you? Your part human,” I asked.

            “Jackie I am still part vampire. So I have don’t smell good to you. Vampires don’t drink other vampires’ blood,” he said as the ride took about 30 minutes and I guess I seemed to be playing twenty questions.

            Then we reached the edge of the forest as he parked in the grass and we got out. He ran with fast force over to my door and opened it as I gasped, “Where did you learn to run so fast?”

            Todd looked smiling over at me as he got her out of the car, “It’s a vampire quality,” he said smiling, “we can run really fast. I just never did for it would blow my cover you know.”

            “Oh I see,” I said as I was standing there in front of Todd. “I wonder if I can run as fast too.”

            As soon as I had said that Todd started to run and yelled, “Well let’s see. Come and catch me,” he said as his strides became longer and he ran further into the forest.

            ‘I guess we will see’ I said to myself. I started to run after Todd and realized that in no time I was about half way apart from Todd as I yelled, “I guess I can,” I said laughing. Then I took in a whiff of something that smelt so good that I stopped in my tracks. As I smelled in a stench I couldn’t recognize while Todd ran back to me and looked at my face with wonder. I started to walk to the right and he followed until he seen far out in the woods two hunters crouched on the ground looking at the forest for game.

            “Jackie,” Todd shook my shoulder but I didn't pay attention and I kept walking like I was in some sort of trance. “Jackie, Jackie,” Todd said until I turned around to him.

            “Umm yeah?” I asked in question.

            “Jackie what were you following?” he said as he gripped my shoulders hard.

            “I don’t know truthfully. Something just smells so good and I want to know what it is,” I said answering his question honestly.

            “Well Jackie that isn’t a good idea for the smell you smell is human blood. I didn’t realize it at first until the direction you were heading until I seen those two hunters about 100 feet away,” Todd said.

            I looked back over my shoulder and into the direction that he was looking towards a few second ago as Todd still kept a grip on her, “I...I don’t see anything but trees and ferns about a knee high.”

            “Well great vision is learned through time. However I suggest we head this way,” pointing the opposite way. “So we don’t come into contact with humans,” he said as we started walking deeper into the forest. “You need to learn a lot. Such as smell of blood, how to quench your thirst, etc. But you will learn and be the best well behaved female dhampir ever.” He said with a jokingly voice at the end.

            I started laughing so hard at his comment and then I looked at Todd, “Yeah sure I will be the best of the best. Ha-ha, so come on lets go and start my training,” as she wink and began to run deeper and deeper into the forest in the direction Todd pointed to go with no worries. I felt free when I was running like I was flying for I was going so fast.

            “You think you can beat me. Well that’s one thing you won’t win. I’m coming after you little missy,” Todd said running after me and I felt him catch my shoulder as he pulled and we both fell and landed on the forest ground.

            “Well I guess I need practice,” I said to Todd shrugging my shoulder. Then, we both laughed together for a little bit as we laid there. Forgetting the rest of the world.

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