Chapter 11: Joanna Malfoy

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Todd looked down at the wrinkled piece of paper that he just pulled out of his back pocket.  It had the address from the phone book and read to himself ‘Joanna Malfoy 42 Back Street Kentucky’ as he looked up to a large dark house that was shadowed and a slight creepy. It said 42 on the mailbox so Todd opened the gate as it creaked the further he opened it and slipped in walking onto the grass and up to the porch. Once he reached the door he then pulled the brass lever from the lion’s mouth that was on the door and knocked a few times and waited.

The door opened to reveal a woman that looked like she was in her early twenties with long blondish hair that hung around her light pale face that housed a pair of eyes the shade of red. She was holding a black cat in her hand as she stroked it every few seconds. “Hello, sorry but office hours are over,” she said with a monotone voice and started to shut the door but Todd caught it and held it.

“You don’t remember me? Ms. Malfoy I'm Xavier’s son Todd.”

Her mind seemed to zone out for a second and then came back to reality state, “Oh yes! The last time I saw you were like eons ago. I believe you were only a foot tall.” She said as she laughed a little. “So what is your reason for this surprised visit? Is your father with you?”

“No mam he is not. Then for the first part well I need your help. I know the power you hold and knew no one other than you to go to. My best friend/half-sister is in like a coma state in the hospital and,” Todd said and tried to tell her what happened but couldn’t because he blamed himself so much for what happened. A second later a tear came from his eye and rolled down his cheek.

“Awl sweetie, let me make it easier. Give me your hand and I can read your mind,” she said as she reached for his hand and he gave it to her. She took a minute holding his hand with her eyes closed as she watched his mind like a video. Then, she let go and they both started to walk into the house. “Yes I think I will be able to help. Not humanly though you must understand. My medicines that I give are purely celestial and cannot be blamed for the after effects but most the time they work purely well.”

“Well Ms. Malfoy I’m desperate and so are her parents. I can’t just let her lay there and do nothing. The doctors aren’t even doing anything for they said ‘there’s nothing we can do’,” Todd said aggravated and sarcastically.

“Yes well you have a hard case. Please call me Joanna, Todd,” she said as they walked to a desk with a bookshelf behind her full of vials. She sat down in the chair and then motioned for him to sit in the chair across from her. He did and then she started to rummage through her papers and was talking to herself so fast only she could probably be the only one who could keep up.

Todd after a few minutes and then sighed as he sat back further into the chair. “I’m sorry but this will take a little bit. Trying to fit the cure with the case you know.” She said solemnly as he nodded. The black cat that she was holding at the door was now walking around her ‘office’ and then jumped into Todd’s lap as he chuckled and started petting it.

“Aren’t you a pretty kitty,” he said as the cat purred and wanted to be petted.

“Aw yeah that’s Onyx. He’s my boy and loves attention. Apparently he has taken a shine to you,” she said smiling as she went back to her papers.

“Yes I think you have Onyx boy. Right?” he said talking to the cat waiting. He was sitting there for forty five minutes just petting the cat and an occasional sentence from Joanna.

“Okay I think this vile may work,” she said as she got up and pulled a blue liquid filled vile from the bookshelf behind her. “Be aware of consequences though.”

Todd took it from her hand and he looked at it, “What is it?” He said as he looked at it and shook it.

“Be careful. Well it is a little combination of...well...vampire blood among a few other things,” she said hesitantly.

“What! The vampire blood will turn her into a vampire or part of one!” he said hysterically.

“Todd I have to tell you that this is the only way. Her condition is serious and well she could slip further into a coma, get brain damage, or even die in time. Vampire blood is a serious healing power as you notice how you survived the wreck.” She said calmly trying to get him to understand the seriousness of the situation.

Todd looked at himself and his body and thought ‘Omgosh she’s right I’m like new and Jackie is well in her condition’ he then looked at Joanna saying, “I completely understand now. Sorry I jumped on you. I’ve not been in a bad mood lately.”

“Or had any sleep,” she jumped in. “I suggest you go back to your Jackie and use the vial. Warn her mother for I know she knows our secrets and Jackie should be back to normal well as normal as she can be. You know she won’t be like she was she will be part of a vampire.”

“Okay I will help her in that area and well I guess I got to go so I can give this to her. I can’t wait to see her beautiful blue eyes open,” he said smiling and gave Joanna a hug as they started to walk to the door. “Thank you very much Joanna. You’re the best and I know Jackie would be thankful too.”

“You’re welcome and if you have any other problems well you know where to come to. Don’t be a stranger now,” she said smiling and waving as Todd walked out the door and into his car.

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