Chapter 5: Emotions Erupt

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       I woke up the next morning still a little groggy but mostly upset. It was a Saturday morning so my mother must of let me slept in after what happened last night. I glanced over at my clock and it was already 1 o clock in the afternoon as she just laid there thinking about the night before. Then, not even about two minutes later she heard a knock on her door. Thinking it was just my mom checking up on me I replied, “Come in,” as she sat up on her bed while still under the covers.

     “Hey Jackie, I seen your parents weren’t home so I thought to come over,” Todd said as I was surprised to see him here.

     “Todd how did you get in here?,” I asked astonished.

     He lifted his hand up and said, “Key remember,” as he went and sat at the corner of my bed. He looked at me and then a look of concern crossed his face. “What’s wrong sweetheart? Have you been crying? Jackie your face is all red and puffy.”

      “Is it that obvious?” I said as I put my face into my hands shielding myself. He lifted up my face from my hands and went to give me a kiss but I moved out of the way as thoughts from last night were still fresh in my mind. He put his hand down from my chin and with a look of wonder crossed his face.

      “Why’d you do that? All I wanted was a kiss,” Todd said.I could tell I was hurting him but I couldn't kiss him. I mean we're related. However, all I wanted to do was wash all the sadness away.

      I said “Todd, there is something I need to tell you,” knowing he needs to know the facts and knowing this relationship couldn’t continue.

     He looked at me as sadness showed across my face. “Is it to do with why you were crying and well weird actions?”

     “Yes it does," I said softly. I started with the simplest part wondering if he knew he was adopted too for he never told me anything about that. "Do you know that you’re adopted,” I asked questionably.

    “Yes I do actually," he said. "Is this what this is about? I held a secret from you?" I tried to tell him no but he talked so fast that I just sat there and listened. "Remember that time about two years ago when I went missing for like a week?” he said.

    “Umm yeah," I said trying to figuire out the connection between this and that.

    “Well that’s when my parents told me and I got so mad at them that they didn’t tell me sooner that I went out on my own. I ran and hunted animals for about a week when I guess the vampire side of my came out; then I decided to go home. How did you find out I was adopted. Sorry I never mentioned it,” Todd said.

     "Well, first the adoption thing isn't the reason. I am not mad at you or upset with you about that," I said and then got to the second part, “My mother told me last night and that’s kind of the heart of the problem. Do you know who your biological parents are?” I asked wondering if he knew. Then thought that he must not or he wouldn’t be with me right now.

      “I know who my father is for when my vampire side started to show he came and helped me a little on how to control my thirst. However I never got to know who my real mother was,” he said trailing off.

      I had to tell him, “Todd, be prepared for I am about to say for you will be as surprised as I was,” she said as he nodded for her to go on. “Well my mother came to talk to me last night about a secret she had. Remember how weirdly she acted when we told her we were together?” He nodded yes as he sat quietly. “That was because…umm my mom is your biological mother and well makes us half siblings and yeah..,” Jackie said running out of things to say.

      A look of surprise came across his face. “Are you serious? Wow I don’t know whether to be happy or angry. But will be sad for I understand why you wouldn’t kiss me…because were part of the same blood.” He said understandably but unusually calm for what she just told him.

      “Are you okay then Todd. I know this news is unexpected,” I said wondering what his mind was thinking.

      “I guess in a sense but this is going to change everything. I am so sorry Jackie. I love you so much more than you know but obviously we have to break up,” he said as she nodded understanding. “However, we will just keep this a secret okay?”

     “Okay Todd. I love you too but I guess you being my half-brother will just have to do. As I went and gave him a hung.” He just nodded to what I said.

     “Yes well at least I know we will be in our lives forever. That’s what counts right. But hey I’m going to go home and think for a while,” he said as he got up and gave me a small kiss on the forehead and headed to the door. As he opened it he gave me a smile and then left.

      I let out a breath I didn’t notice I was holding in and landed my head back onto my pillow as I rubbed my head. What a headache this was giving me. So I got up and took two Motrin’s and laid back down as I tried to think and was also worried about Todd but I knew there was nothing I can do about it. I just flipped over to my side and eventually fell asleep and slept the rest of the day.

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