Chapter 12: She's Alive

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Todd drove about 100mph to the hospital with the vial lying in the passenger seat wrapped in his tan jacket so it wouldn’t break. He then arrived and swerved into the closest parking space he could see and rushed inside with his coat holding the vial inside knowingly that the doctors wouldn’t let him bring it in if they knew. He got into the steel covered elevator and pressed button 2 as it went up and stopped letting him out.

He walking unsuspicious into Jackie’s room and slightly closed the door and closed the blinds shut. As he turned around to face Jackie’s bed her parents looked at him worriedly. “Mr. and Mrs. Black I brought back a vial to help Jackie,” he said softly as he walked closer to them showing them the bottle of blue liquid. They both started to smile then Todd continued, “well only one thing though,” Todd said reluctantly.

“What is it sweetie?” Mrs. Black asked.

“Well…I have to warn you of what’s in this liquid. The main ingredient is vampire blood,” as he said that Mrs. Black gasped.

“So she’s going to be a…a vampire?” she asked.

“Well sort of. Only partially like me. But you see I visited the most powerful vampire in our realm Joanna and she said her case was serious. In which we all knew that and we were desperate. This is the only way,” he said with a certain begging in his voice.

Jackie’s parents looked at each other then looked at her and in a minute they nodded their heads. “Yes for my daughter to live I will do this,” Mr. Black spoke who hadn’t said anything until now.

“I agree with my husband on this. How do we do this?” Mrs. Black asked.

“It can be different ways but I believe the most efficient way possible at the moment is by a needle,” Todd said as he walked over to the cabinets and opening them looking for a sterile needle. He opened a few cabinets until he pulled out a needle still in its plastic wrapping. “This will do,” Todd said as he walked over to Jackie and opened the top of the vial. As he sank the needle into the liquid and drinking it up into the needle. Once all was gone into the needle he walked over to Jackie. “Jackie I’m going to help you okay. You will be fine,” he said nervously and sighed as he breathed in and put the needle into her arm and ejected the liquid through her veins.

Jackie’s POV

            “Omgosh my arm is burning,” I thought as I tried to talk but nothing came out. I felt like I was being burnt alive on a stake. Remembering the incident of the collision with the truck the first thought that came to my mind was ‘Am I in hell?’ however I didn’t have an answer for that. I gritted my teeth to try to relieve a little bit of the pain. It felt like forever until the pain relinquished and thelids of my eyes opened and started to see lights. I flickered them open a few times and then a clear vision of Todd by my bed was seen.

            He looked towards here and smiled so large, “How are you doing?” as he anxiously awaited her answer. I lifted her head up but it hurt so bad and I completely winced in pain so Todd raced over and said, “Lay back down. You need your rest Jackie. But I have to admit I missed you pretty blue eyes.” He said.

            I just looked up at his face that was leaning over the bed and smiled saying, “I missed you too Todd. Are you okay? I swear for a little bit I was in hell.”

Todd looked down at himself and back to me, “I’m alright see. I recovered quickly from any injuries I had but you. You were in a serious unconscious state. I was so scared for you and I’m so sorry! That wreck was totally my fault,” he said as he sat back down and watched a few tears flow from his eyes.

“Todd, look at me,” I said but he wouldn’t so I repeated herself louder, “Look at me!” So he did. “Look I’m all right now,” I looked down at herself. “I’m all better now so please don’t blame yourself.”

“Jackie there is something I have to tell you” Todd murmured lowly and looked weird so I just stared at his face waiting for what he was about to say to me. “Umm I don’t know how to say this. Well see you were unconscious for five days...”

“Five days! Are you serious Todd? Wow I’m sorry I beat I worried you to death,” I said as I jumped in surprised.

“Yeah you did and well that’s why I went to Joanna Malfoy. She is one of the strongest and most powerful vampires because the doctors said they couldn’t do anything for you,” he said trying hard to get this out.

“So I’m awake now. What’s bothering you? Tell me please,” I said begging.

“She gave me a vial of medicine to inject in you for you were such a serious case and well that’s why you are awake and okay now,” he said waiting a second to tell me the big news I guess. He was thinking ‘you’re a vampire’.

“That was so nice of her. Thank her for me.,” I said nicely as I was still looking at his face that was drawn with sadness knowing something else was bothering him. “What else is bothering you Todd? I know something is,” I looked at him and he lifted his head and walked over to my bed.

“The thing is the medicine Joanna gave me was mostly composed of...well...vampire blood,” he said staring into her deep blue eyes. “Your now part vampire!”

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