Chapter 10: Come Back to Us

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Todd started driving down the highway as he looked at me questionably. “Is there something wrong?”

“I was just wondering if you were okay.” Todd said sincerely.

“Thanks to you I am,” I said as I gave him a little peck on the check; for he is my half-brother. In which is still hard to wrap my mind around sometimes.

“I’m just here to help. Anything Jackie I will always be there for you, sis” he said smiling.

“Thanks. I know I should have listened to you about jasper when you said something was weird about him,” I replied.

“It’s okay. At least I got there in time. I know that you needed someone to be a friend to you since I was in my own world I guess,” Todd said sadly.

“Yeahh, well now Todd you won’t leave me by myself at school again!” I said ordering him practically.

“Okay. Okay,” he smiled. “Never will again.”

“Pinky swears?!” I said like we were little kids.

Todd started laughing hysterically, “Pinky swears,” as we wrapped our pinkies together and he put his hand back on the steering wheel.

I looked at him and noticed a few cuts, “Hey Todd I will take care of your wounds when we get home.”

But he shook his head, “No need. I’m a dhampir remember and well one pro of being one is we’re fast healers. They will be almost gone by the time we get home.”

“Ohh okay well then,” I said as silence started to grow and so I turned up the radio to listen.

“Jackie! You know I have a hard time of concentrating with the radio on. Turn it off.”

“No,” I said teasing. He heard the little tease in my voice.

“Then I’m just going to have to come over there and get you.”

“Well come and get me,” I said as I took the seat belt and buckled myself in. However, knowing he wasn’t going to do anything stupid to make us wreck. He was always the protective one as I was the own who dragged him along to parties and such.

“Okay,” Todd said snickering and pretending to move my way over to the passenger’s seat with his eyes on me for only a few seconds. I got lost into his also until reality hit me and I saw bright lights shown through the driver’s window and seen it was a semi heading straight towards us.

“TODD!!” I screamed but it was too late as it hit the driver’s door and turned Todd’s car over twice and landing me into hitting my head on the window and blacking out after a few seconds.


Todd’s POV

“Shouldn’t she be awake by now?” Todd was asking her mom desperately but she didn’t have an answer either. Jackie had been unconscious for three days. She had major lacerations on her body like on her forehead and leg and well obviously a bad concussion. Todd just sat there 24/7 next to Jackie’s bed holding her hand and watching the monitor screen hoping for a change.

“She will pull through Todd. You know Jackie is a fighter,” her mom said as Todd nodding but feeling guilty that it was practically his fault.

“If something happens to her I swear I don’t know what I will do,” Todd said putting his face into his hands as mother was rubbing his back. Todd’s parents were out of town and they thought not to call them for Todd didn’t want them to worry about him. Todd thought in his head ‘I mean I’m the one who’s alright. It’s Jackie. My baby sister. My best friend’ he needed to go through this alone with the exception of Jackie’s parents obviously.

A few days passed and there was no change. A doctor came in and examined her real fast and shrugged as he started to leave but Todd got up and grabbed his arm turning him around to face him. “So what’s the diagnoses doc? Is she going to get better?”

The doctor replied solemnly, “Really I don’t know. She’s almost slipped into like a coma. The longer she is under though the more chance of brain damage there will be.”

“Do something then. I am pretty sure you can do something to wake her. Medication? Surgery even? Were desperate here.”

“I’m sorry young man but it’s just going to be a chance of time. I can’t help her only she can help herself.” He said sternly.

“She’s in a freakin coma for goodness sakes and you say she needs to help herself. If you can’t do anything then I guess I will need to take things into my own hands,” he said thinking as the doctor just left like he didn’t have a care in the world. “Ergh how idiotic he is,” Todd said to Jackie’s parents that were setting on the side. Then, a light bulb went off in his head and he went over to Jackie’s mom.

He leaned down into a whisper and said, “I think I may know someone who may be able to help. If you get my drift.” She nodded her head and he gave them both a hug. “I will be back as soon as possible,” he said as he went over to Jackie and kissed her on the forehead. He leaned down to her and said, “Come on Jackie! Fight like you always do. We can’t live without you.” He then looked to the monitor and seen no difference. He knew though inside she was fighting with all her might to make her way back to them.

“I promise I will be back as soon as possible Jackie,” he said as he slowly left her bedside and then scurried out the room door. “I need to contact someone,” he thought to himself as he headed over to a phone booth to look at the phone book. He was flipping through the pages like crazy. “Where are you,” he said talking to himself, “there you are.” He said with a smile. I need to visit a family friend of mine. A Miss Joanna Malfoy!

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