The One With the Anger Issue

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Chapter 13 The One With the Anger Issue

Two days later, it was Harry's sixteenths birthday. It was a sombre affair, the only guest being Lupin, apart from those that already stayed at the Burrow. Fred and George hadn't been able to come, due to some business problem. More and more disappearances and deaths were mentioned in The Daily Prophet and Remus and Bill had with them even more dreadful news. They sat in the living room in the evening, drinking tea and eating some cake.

"There have been more Dementor attacks." Lupin stated when he received some cake from Mr. Weasley. He looked ragged and sad. His hair was streaked with grey and his clothes were worn and more patched than ever. "And Igor Karkaroff's body was found in a shack up north. The dark mark above it...I'm surprised he made it this long, a whole year. Sirius' brother, Regulus, only made it a few days."

"Oh well," Mrs. Weasley said with a disapproving look. "But perhaps we could talk about something el..."

"Have you heard about Florean Fortescue, Remus?" Bill asked. "The man that had..."

"...The ice cream parlour in Diagon Alley?" Harry interrupted with an empty feeling in his stomach. He feared the worse. "He used to give me free ice cream. What has happened to him?"

"Dragged away, by the looks of it in his parlour." Bill said with a sad frown.

"Why?" Ron asked, while Mrs. Weasley glared at Bill.

"Who knows? He must have angered them in some way. He was a good man, Florean." Bill answered.

"Speaking of Diagon Alley," Mr. Weasley said. "It looks like Ollivander has also disappeared."

"The wand maker?" Ginny said with a dismayed look,

"Exactly." Mr. Weasley confirmed. "The store is empty. No signs of struggle. Nobody knows if he left voluntarily or if he was kidnapped."

"But wands, how will people get new wands?" Ginny asked.

"They'll have to settle with other wand makers." Lupin said. "But Ollivander was the best, and if the other side has gotten hold of him, it's not so good for us."

Everyone was silent after that. Harry could see that Hermione and Marcus were thinking intently about what had been said. He was curious to see what they thought about all of it, so he decided to ask them when they went back to their rooms, later that evening. He took Hermione by the arm and guided her to Ron's room, where Marcus and Ron were already waiting.

"What do you think about what has happened?" Harry asked quietly. He didn't want the others to hear.

"I don't know." Marcus frowned. "This Florean guy, did he have any known connections with Voldemort?" Ron involuntarily flinched at the name, but Hermione just shook her head.

"None that I've heard of." She said. "And neither has the Order, I asked Lupin before we went up here." She clarified.

"How about Ollivander, then?" Marcus asked. "What would they want with a wand maker?"

"I don't know." Hermione answered and shook her head.

The conversation ended shortly after and they all went to their respective rooms. All in deep thought about what was going on.


'Aithusa!' Merlin called when he lay in his bed. He had many questions about the disappearances of Florean Fortescue and Ollivander, but he couldn't voice them to Harry and the others, it would only make them more suspicious of him.

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