The One Where Ron Gets Hooked

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Chapter 42 The One Where Ron Gets Hooked

The spell dropped them off in an alley just across the street of the house. Merlin landed gracefully on his feet but Ron stumbled when he hit the concrete and fell down on his backside. Hermione and Harry managed to stay upright but they swayed were they stood and had to support themselves on the walls surrounding them.

"Phew, I'm glad that worked." Merlin chuckled and offered a hand to Ron.

"What?" Ron whimpered. "You mean you didn't know this would work?"

"Well," Merlin shrugged and grimaced. "I did tell you that I've never transported with more than one person before."

"I thought that was just something you told us so you wouldn't have to break us out of school." Ron finally took Merlin's hand and let him pull him up.

"Yes... and no." Merlin averted Ron's gaze, having found an intense interest with his hands. "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think I'd manage it." He looked up with a sheepish grin.

"That's assuring." Ron muttered and walked over to Harry and Hermione that stood at the end of the alley, looking out over the busy street.

"Which one is your house?" Hermione turned to Merlin when he came up to them.

"That one over there." He pointed to a small house, wedged between two bigger houses.

It was made of orange bricks, making it stand out from the rest of the houses that were of reddish bricks. There weren't a front law, the door coming out directly at the pavement.

"It's smaller than I thought." Hermione mused as she looked at it and Merlin chuckled silently to himself.

There was a spell on the house that made it look smaller for everyone but him. Merlin could see all four windows on the top floor; the two bedrooms, the living room and his study; but the others could only see the one in the living room, positioned just to the right of the front door. He looked up and saw that the window in the second bedroom was lit up, so he knew Morgana was awake.

"Come on..." He walked along the street with the trio on his tail, until he could cross over. He then walked up to the door and pulled out a key from his pocket. "Welcome to my humble abode." He beamed at them after opening the door so they could walk in. Merlin closed the door behind them with a soft click and watched their reactions.

"This is... wow." Harry said with his mouth open as he looked out of the big windows on the opposite walls, and out to the lush garden.

"It's bigger on the inside." Hermione smiled wide and looked into the dining room/lounge to the left.

"That is so cool." Ron gaped at the pattern of Aithusa and Kilgarrah on the floor, crouching down to trace his fingers along the lines.

"Here, Harry." Merlin grabbed the broom leaning beside the door and gave it to Harry.

"My Firebolt..." Harry beamed. "You found it." He looked up at Merlin. "Thank you."

"No problem." Merlin returned the smile. "Hedwig is out flying, but she should be back soon... I put her cage in the bedroom you will sleep in."

"Thank you... again." Harry had a relieved look on his face. "I was afraid she would be left behind."

"I would never leave her; I know how much she means to you." Merlin put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Crookshank is with Aithusa, I think." He turned to Hermione. "They get along splendidly." He smiled big and Hermione returned his smile tenfold.

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