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Maya's POV

I walk into Topanga's carrying my car seat in one hand and holding the diaper bag in the other. I look to my right and there they are. Riley, Farkle, Zay, and Lucas. I walk up behind the couch silently.

"BOO!" I yell. All four of them jump. Riley shrieks and holds her heart. Then they all realize it's me.

"MAYA!" Riley screams. She jumps over the couch and hugs me. The other three join and I'm so happy I almost forget about my son.

"Hey, who left their baby?" Zay asks when we break apart.

Riley crouches down and looks inside. "Oh he's so cute." She exclaims. "Who's is he though?"

I take a deep breath. "He's mine."

The four of them all turn to me. Disbelief and surprise show plainly on their faces. Then Farkle starts to laugh.

"Haha. Very funny. For reals though. Who's baby is this?"

"I'm not kidding. He's my son. Orion."

Now shock. They don't say anything. I'm mostly watching Lucas. He crouches down to see him and frowns. Please don't figure it out.

"Maya, why didn't you tell us?" Riley asks. I can hear the hurt in her voice and it breaks my heart.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know what you would all think. I thought it best if I leave for a little."

"Maya, we wouldn't have cared. We love you. I love you." Riley says.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way how about some food." Lucas says.

I follow the others to our regular booth. We sit and talk for awhile. Apparently Farkle and Riley have been a thing for awhile now. They seem happy and I knew they were absolutely meant for each other.

Riley is all over Rion. She sits and talks to him and tells him all about our adventures as kids and how she's going to love him no matter what. I sure hope that's true because when I tell her that Lucas is the father all hell will break lose.

After awhile Ri starts fussing. Farkle holds him and freezes immediately. He looks around and at me.

"I didn't do anything." He replied as I take Rion out of his hands.

"He's just hungry." I laugh. "I really should get him home though."

"Oh, I want to play with him still." Zay pouts.

"We can hang later. I'm sure there's some more stuff you guys need to tell me."

"Hey, I'll take you home. I have to go anyways." Lucas says. I freeze. What am I going to do now?

I let Lucas walks us home. He holds the baby seat. We walk silently but I know he wants to says something.

"Spill it, Huckleberry. I don't have all day."

Lucas chuckles. "I haven't heard that in awhile. I missed it." I blush and keep walking.

We make it all the way to my apartment with polite chatter. I let Lucas come inside. He sits and holds Orion. He studies his face and doesn't say a word. I can't help but think what would have happened if I told him all those months ago about Orion. What would have happened if I had him and Ri had his father. I hand Lucas the bottle and let him feed Ri.

"He likes you. He doesn't really take to strangers well." I say.

"Well I am a lovable person." Lucas says giving me and smug smile.

I turn on a movie and we sit in silence. Lucas can't seem to take his eyes off Rion. I can practically hear him thinking.

"Maya, who's the father?" Lucas finally asks. I bite my lip and look at him and I know he already knows.

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